Government & Its Role In Economic Growth

Government plays an important part in the regional economy.

Why government plays a part in economic development

Social impacts. Development can have long-term optimistic effects on the economic well-being of people and places, especially low-skilled, less-educated individuals.

Spillovers. The marketplace will produce too much if private sector sellers and buyers oversee negative spillovers like pollution. They will produce too little when they oversee positive spillovers.

Existing but under-utilized capacity. If private resources or public infrastructure are left idle, a society can miss out on the chance for existing investments’ economic potential.

Political pressure. Decline or lack of progress in the economy prompts demands from voters for economic development action whether good or bad.

Reasons Why Economic Growth Is Needed

In many political agreements, economic growth is seen as the central solution to social, economic and also certain ecological problems. Growth is considered to be suitable for curbing unwanted side effects of a market economy.

Growth increases prosperity

Real GDP growth means that the value of a country’s production of goods and services increases. Growth enables people to better meet their material needs. Material goods are indispensable for basic needs such as food, and housing and are crucial for people’s physiological well-being. Building on the assumption that people increase their utility by increasing their consumption, increasing disposable income or GDP per capita is an attractive goal for mainstream economists. The basic idea is that the higher the GDP, the better off the inhabitants of a country are, at least as far as economic prosperity is concerned.

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Growth in increases employment and reduces unemployment

Economic growth is crucial for employment and unemployment. This economic principle is also strongly represented in politics. The link between growth and employment can be described in terms of economic factors. Employment increases when economic growth is higher than the increase in labour productivity. Labour productivity increases when the same output can be achieved with fewer hours worked. Unemployment is less affected by economic growth than employment. Labour market policy and demographic influences play a major role here.

Growth increases productivity and creates a head start in system competition

Economic growth is an important motor for technical progress. It is often argued that economic growth leads to higher productivity due to increasing returns to scale.

Specializing in the production of export goods, for example, can increase both productivity and skill levels in the export sector. This can result in resources flowing from less efficient sectors to the export sector. As a result, prices fall, goods become more competitive and exports increase. Thus, productivity increases can also lead to economic growth.

Growth in the economy and business insurance is perceived as progress

For some, economic growth is synonymous with progress. The reason is that gross domestic product is used as an indicator of progress. Success in the economy means that businesses can contact business insurance brokers perth regarding their company’s insurance easily.

Buying goods using a credit card

Dealing With Credit Card Companies Reducing Credit Limit During COVID-19

Due to the corona crisis, there have been many challenges in the lives of common people. One of the biggest crises in this is related to cash.

Buying goods using a credit card


Data on withdrawals from provident fund pf funds shows that people are struggling with a lack of money. However, all efforts have been made by the reserve bank to overcome this crisis., For example, the process of taking loans has been simplified by cutting interest rates. Similarly, people who pay the monthly installment of the loan have been given the option of 3 months moratorium. Amidst all this, banks have started reducing the credit card limit of customers, although some banks launched promos that compensate for this like the HDFC Smartbuy offer. Some of the country’s private banks have reduced the credit card limit of customers of different categories by up to 80 percent.

What do the experts say?

Adil Shetty, CEO of, said this is not the first time this is happening. Credit card limits have been reduced before. But due to the increase in the covid-19 crisis, this time the banks are looking more alert. He said that banks keep increasing or decreasing the credit card limit based on the earnings, cibil score, and payment history of the customers. But in the current situation, the reduction of the limit has shocked the customers.

What’s the reason?

According to the report, for customers who are taking advantage of a three-month moratorium from payment on loans, the credit card limit for customers is being reduced. Banks believe that such customers will be short of money. In this situation, the customer will use the credit card to meet the financial needs and the payment will be delayed. Similarly, the limit for customers using fewer credit cards is also being cut.


ALSO READ: Learning From A Financial Crisis 10 Years Ago


What should you do?

According to expert Adil Shetty, if you have to maintain the limit of the credit card, then pay on time along with spending the card money. If you have been paying on time for a few months with more than 50 percent of the amount spent, then there will never be a crisis on your credit limit. This will also keep your cibil score correct.

Adil Shetty said that the cibil score should be checked from time to time. If you feel a mistake, check the reasons. Adil Shetty advises you to try to pay the credit card dues as much as possible. By doing this, the bank may increase the limit of your credit card.

A credit card is also exempted.

Let us know that at the behest of the central reserve bank, banks have been given a 3-month moratorium on credit card payments in addition to loans. This means that if you do not pay for a credit card for 3 months, there will be no pressure from the banks and there will be no impact on the cibil score.

Advantages or disadvantages of not making payments

Credit cardholders should still make the payment on time, this will save them a lot. Because if the customer does not pay the card for three months, then in the fourth month, the amount of the last three months, as well as the interest, will have to be paid. The bank charges an interest rate on credit cards arbitrarily, which can be up to 40 percent. In such a situation the customer will be caught in the trap of interest. The good and better option is to deposit the credit card bill only on time.

