Getting through political debate is like playing a retro computer game called “minesweeper”. Everyone just has their own point of views, how this and that should be than and so forth. In fact, just a quick browse on your social media feeds and you will be welcomed with a number of strong political views. But that is not necessarily the nature of political debate. This is done especially during election as a way to see what type of personality a politician has who is running for office.
Based on research, people who do not care what others would think have higher probabilities of engaging in politics on various social media sites. This may have an effect on what they’re saying online and contributing to vitriolic tone that’s putting a lot of people to engage in political conversations online. Additionally, it can be decisive to choose political content that people would encounter on their newsfeed.
Might want to Slow Down eh?
Social media became popular back in the start of new millennium. Many thought that it’s going to open diversity in taking part of political debate as anyone may post something and anyone can see their messages and share it to millions worldwide.
But for many, politics is more of a sensitive case and they do care about the audience. On social media, you have invisible audience. Unless they start reacting to something by means of sharing, liking or commenting on it. Even if you’re interested in politics, chances are, if you’re sensitive to being rejected socially, then better shy away from sharing, commenting or posting on political issues. Well, unless of course, you are certain that they’re uncontroversial in nature.
Not Everything has to be Shared Online
Basically, posting political issues is like applying loans from lenders such as No one really cares about your financial state unless you make it public. You will be surprised how many people who have their own opinion about something. If you are not ready from some of the negative feedback you’d get, then better keep it yourself.
There’s a Science Behind
Rejection sensitivity is actually a measurement used in social psychology. This is designed to know the social risk propensity. Meaning to say, it is looking at how afraid a person is from being rejected by someone for something that you’ve done or said by asking how you’d react to hypothetical situations. By getting answers to such questions, experts were able to calculate the rejection sensitivity index for a person. Low value means there’s low sensitivity to rejection and then, vice versa.