Fundamentals of Political Economy - What is the meaning of Wealth?

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Implementation of economic policy

Active economic policy is based on analyzes of the current situation and expectations of future developments; their successes must be monitored. The state sets framework conditions for economic activity but also intervenes in economic processes on a case-by-case basis.

Tasks of economic policy planning

The most important tasks of economic policy planning consist of diagnosis, prognosis, and monitoring the success of the implemented policy.  Just like in qq online, there are some policies that are to be implemented.

The diagnosis checks the state of the economy and the previous success of the economic policy goals pursued. The forecast represents a conditional forecast of economic development, in particular of the effect of planned economic policy measures. At the end of the day, the success control has the task of determining whether the goals have been achieved or not, and of giving indications as to which policy changes may be necessary.

Diagnosis of economic policy

The diagnosis analyzes the existing economic situation and compares it with the previously set goals. During the diagnosis, information about the economic reality must be collected and evaluated. The most important source for this is official statistics, but additional information may have to be obtained from the administration or from research institutes, for example in the form of expert reports. However, such information is not free: its acquisition creates costs that must be compared to the additional benefits for economic policy.

Success control of economic policy

Effective economic policy contributes through its measures in the desired manner and to the desired extent to the attainment of economic policy goals. In addition, economic policy is efficient when it has taken precisely those measures through which it was able to achieve its goals with the lowest possible cost.

Rules and discretion

In view of the many uncertainties and weaknesses with which diagnosis and impact prognosis are afflicted, the question arises whether an economic policy with great discretion and numerous individual interventions does not cause more harm than good. Interventions on a case-by-case basis are associated with risks, as it is often difficult to predict whether and with what time delays they will have an effect.

Political and Economic Effects of COVID 19

COVID 19 has affected almost 19,300,000 people all around the world which claimed almost 717,000 lives.

Hundreds of thousands of unrecorded cases will add up to the figures. Governments and medical experts around the world cope to straighten the curve. It is a sad reality that COVID-19 will be a threat to public health.

2020 Political Economy Aspects of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The virus caused a major political and economic impact. Different nations around the world have experienced this. We felt the impact of COVID 19 on the economy by the lockdowns that each nation imposed on its borders. This affected work and travel. Many big factories failed to supply its Global market.
The virus has also caused an impact on politics. Citizens accused powerful leaders around the world for poor leadership skills. Leaders like Donald Trump had experienced this. Citizens accused them of being unable to handle the crisis. Because of the increase in cases they blame their leaders for this. Americans are fearful of economic slowdown or recession in this great nation. One’s this happens Donald Trump has lessened his chances for reelection.

Points To Consider When Choosing A Forex Broker

The trade volume in the foreign exchange market is enormous wherein about 4 trillion US dollars are being transacted on a daily basis. This is quite huge compared to the bond or stock markets worldwide.

Although forex trading is possible without a broker, there is immense value in trading through forex brokerage accounts. For example, ForexTime (FXTM) is one of the fastest growing brokerage company in the forex market. In the fxtm broker review, they provide their clients with unique products and services for them to make the most of their trading.

Apart from the forex market, FXTM also touches the most popular cryptocurrency markets that allows their clients to trade certain types of cryptocurrencies that is done via the reputable MetaTrader platform and where transactions could be carried out through a PC or mobile device.

Choosing A Forex Broker

Hiring a forex broker has its many benefits but it could be tricky. The right broker or brokerage company could open up and maximize your investment opportunities, but with the wrong one, they could restrict your possibilities and options as well as increase cost. So, what are the primary points to take into consideration to make certain you choose the right broker? Below are a few:

  • Scope of Trading Instruments. It is advantageous to be able to make investments in numerous financial markets simultaneously. Working with the right forex broker is a good choice as they could present you with an expansive diversity of markets to trade in, like commodities, stocks cryptocurrencies and more.
  • Diversity of Trading Accounts. A broker must offer you varied kinds of accounts with a range of benefits for particular trading styles like those with greater and better protections, larger spreads or leverage, various kinds of instruments.
  • Bid/Ask Spreads. Forex brokers will give you a quote on two prices for a pair of currency, this is the bid price and the ask price. The bid price is the price you could sell the base currency, whereas the ask price is the price you could purchase the base currency. The difference taken between the bid and ask price is called the spread. This is the way “no commission” forex brokers earn money. You could look for a broker with the lowest spread, however look out for marketing techniques. You may have a low spread now, but that doesn’t mean that will be the same all throughout.
  • Trading Platform. Pick a broker whose platform for Forex and CFD trading is something you are happy and comfortable with, something that complements your needs.
  • Customer Oriented. Working with a forex broker who is helpful and customer-oriented is a much more sensible and reliable choice for traders.
  • Regulated Forex Broker. Of course, it is very crucial that you work and open an account with a licensed broker or brokerage company to ensure they are legal and regulated.

Business Taxes and What You should Know about it?

It is the government that is setting the tax policy in an effort to accomplish great growth from directing business decisions all the way to raising revenues. For business leaders, the tax is representing another cost to generate income. Legislatures are looking forward to discourage a certain activity might levy more taxes to make it less appealing to businesses. Then again, to assist companies experience continuous growth, the government may be offering tax credits and breaks in order to subsidize private expenditures.

As a matter of fact, if you heard of such news that the government is currently offering this kind of program, take advantage of it as it may boost your odds of approval for få sms lån uten kredittsjekk.

But what about the Rates?

Tax planners are calculating the additional savings or costs at the marginal rate of the business or the rate at which every dollar will be taxed. To give you an example, a business that’s in 40% tax bracket will likely spend 40 cents of every dollar on their taxes.

Another kind of tax rate planners usually discuss is about the effective tax rate or the percentage of the taxable income spent towards taxes. One example of this is, if a business with a million dollar net income before tax and quarter million tax expense will have effective tax rate of 25% no matter what the marginal rate is.

Capital Allocation

If a business does not have enough capital to tackle two ventures simultaneously and has to decide which one to pursue, managers are examining the comparative returns that are offered by every venture. Comparing returns will require the calculation of after-tax cash flow which will depend on tax treatment of every activity.

If ever the tax rate increases across the board, then it will be reducing the return offered by any given activity subject to tax. For the same taxed activities, the increase will not change, which then provides better returns. On the other hand, an activity that is offering tax credits or deductions might just prove to be more of an appealing investment after it’s adjusted for higher tax rates.

Discontinue Operations

In most cases, taxes are levied as percentage of the net income of the business, in line with the general principle that the government must bill taxes when taxpayer has the capacity to pay. There are taxes like property taxes that are levied on asset’s value regardless of the ability to pay.

Economics For People

On the subject of Economics for the People

“It is very vital for our democracy to work that average individuals be aware of primary concerns and fundamental ideas of economics.” – Ha-Joon Chang

The economy for the longest time has been the territory of the ivory structure, in which unique dialect and opaque theorems cause it to unavailable to many people. That is an issue.

Ha-Joon Chang, bestselling author of “Economics For People” points out the essential principles in economics, strengthening anyone to have the government, the society, and economic climate responsible.

World’s Economy and Oil Prices in Times of Pandemic

The WTI or West Texas Intermediate crude reported negative for the very first time in history for oil traders were stuck between humongous oversupply and the lack of storage to put it. Because of this, the global prices for crude remain at the bottom per barrel.

Basically, there are numerous oil producers that are having a hard time shutting down their units or finding alternatives that are environmentally acceptable to put on their waste. Sea tankers find it hard as well in offloading and currently trying to readjust routes on their hunt for takers. Thing is, this isn’t going to be an easy fix for Covid-19 pandemic has shut down the demand for oil all over the globe.

WTI is currently trading at 17 dollars while Brent equivalent is at 25 dollars. Still, this is a level in which global oil is failing to make good profits. WTI as well as Brent are the two primary grades of oil that are being used in benchmarking prices worldwide with Brent found offshore and being a bit of better quality compared to its onshore counterpart.

Soon enough, more tolerable prices might return if, the oversupply started to level off and global demand rises after restrictions on lockdown are relaxed. Question is, what would be the long term prospects for oil prices and how they’ve been impacted by Covid-19?

Energy Prices

The future of oil prices is typically cheaper than the current or the spot price. Meaning to say, those who are okay to underpin the future of oil production with the early orders normally get discount. The crossover of future and spot prices is otherwise known as short-term glut or contango. Basically, this isn’t the first contango that ever happened in history of energy trading. Electricity markets have a period of over generation in which the producers are paying consumers to take power that will damage the generating station.

Without a doubt, this world event is becoming a lot more common due to how the world transition from the different kinds of energy that could be stored like oil and those that cannot similar to solar power and wind power. We are now seeing how these events unfold in all parts of the world.

It will Recover

In this modern time, the cause of oil contango is the fact that investors are thinking that the prices will start to improve in the long run as soon as the economy recover. Basically, if you are trading and using resources from, this can be very helpful in forecasting where the trend will go.

Former President’s Say On Trump’s Corona Crisis Management

Former US President Barack Obama criticized his successor Donald Trump’s corona crisis management. President Obama said in a conference call with government officials that Trump’s response to the epidemic was “a catastrophe of absolute confusion.” News website Yahoo News recorded on Friday.

Covid-19: What Barack Obama said on Donald Trump’s Handling of Crisis in the US

President Obama chose the trump era ideology and built a bridge to the current crisis. “What we’re fighting is a long-term trend associated with selfish attitudes, divisions, and perceptions of others about the enemy. This has been a strong motivation for American life. But we have experienced internationally,” said Obama. : “This is why the response to this global crisis is weak and inconsistent.”

The former president admitted that even the best government seems bad in the current situation. “This attitude” suddenly appeared to me, and “let’s go to hell with others” was clearly a confusing disaster. Attitude has become the business philosophy of our government.

The World Must Go On Even Without Trump

The US President has been blocking an important body of the World Trade Organization for months. The European Union is now presenting a new association. That should impress Washington for one reason in particular.

Under President Donald Trump, the United States has strongly been away from the world. He showed this most recently in the current corona crisis, in which Trump speaks disparagingly of the crisis reaction of Europeans despite the desperate situation in his own country and even calls the coronavirus the China virus. While Brussels was only astonished at the beginning of Trump’s tenure in view of the new tones from Washington, the stiffness in the shock has now given way to a grim determination.

Europe has no choice but to work on a new world order in the age of Trump – and the latest result is now presented by EU Trade Commissioner Phil Hogan. His employees have been working for months to keep the global trade order alive despite Trump’s attacks: not only that the US imposes punitive tariffs on key trading partners and thus destroys wealth worldwide.

The US government is also working to ensure that trading partners within the WTO can no longer defend themselves against punitive tariffs . To do this, they block the dispute settlement within the Geneva organization that has been working successfully for almost a quarter of a century.

Asia Is Facing Economic Shock Due To Corona Pandemic

The economic shock of the coronavirus is forcing China and Hong Kong to move forward, as it threatens to push Japan into recession. Private lending institutions have also extended loans from $100 and $35,000 for any reason in minutes however provided only to those whose businesses were impacted by the current pandemic.

Southeast Asia faces economic turmoil due to COVID-19

In China, more than 70,000 people have been infected with the coronavirus since Monday. According to the National Health Commission, 1,770 people have now died from the virus, 105 more than the previous count (data were taken as of February).

Less than two months after the outbreak of the virus, the economic damage in Asia is also increasing day by day. The International Currency Fund (IMF) calls for international action, but it remains unclear what it should look like. At the end of this week, G20 finance ministers will meet in Saudi Riyadh.


Beijing reported on Monday that it is dampening the economic shock of the coronavirus by further boosting the economy and also providing temporary corporate tax cuts. Those measures will increase the budget deficit.

The central bank previously pumped cash into the financial system, lowered interest rates to its lowest level in three years, and allowed local governments to contract $ 111 billion in debt. The Communist Party’s politburo wants China to achieve its economic goals, suggesting that the stimulus is still to come.


In Japan, it is feared that the coronavirus is pushing the economy into recession. The economy shrank by 1.6 percent in the last three months of last year, as Monday showed, as families tended to tighten after a VAT hike much harder than expected.

Because of that tax increase, companies reduced investments by 14 percent. The coronavirus threatens to shrink Japan again in the first quarter of 2020, representing a recession.


The Ministry of Trade and Industry cut its estimate for economic growth by one percentage point this year. It was previously at 0.5 to 2.5 percent growth. That is now a contraction of 0.5 percent to 1.5 percent growth. Analysts say Singapore is on track to record its biggest budget deficit in 20 years.


In Hong Kong, a government chief said this weekend that a ‘tsunami-like’ economic shock is coming that could cause unemployment to rise rapidly and push the budget record to a record high.


The Thai government cut its prospects sharply. While she previously expected 2.7 to 3.7 percent growth this year, it is now 1.5 to 2.5 percent. Interest has been reduced there.

Malaysia and the Philippines

The central bank has cut interest rates in both countries. Asian governments have pushed hard to immobilize the people so as to control the spread of the virus. But the lockdown threatens the people’s basic needs. The authorities have promised monetary help and have asked financial institutions to consider flexing their payment schedules for various loan repayments.

The U.S. Economic Boom Under Trump’s Administration

So is Trump right? There is a lot to be said about that. First of all, the president inherited this boom from his predecessor Obama. Then there is, and that also applies to the previous president, a substantial growth difference with the previous duration records of the American economy. The long boom in the 1960s had an average annual economic growth of 4.9 percent. The heyday of the 1990s produced an average of 3.6 percent economic growth annually. But the current period of continuous growth is tame, with an average growth of only 2.2 percent. It has been going well for a long time, but also very slowly. Last year, economic growth amounted to 2.3 percent. Trump’s new budget assumes 3 percent growth, but even his finance minister Mnuchin said last week that this is not being achieved for a long time.

Examining the Strength of the Trump Economy

In addition, the interest rate policy of the central bank is extremely flexible and experienced a remarkable tournure at the start of last year. The president of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, bent an intention in less than two months to raise interest rates to lower them in an intention. That was a corn on the stock market mill, where stock prices had one of the best years since the Lehman crisis in 2019.

And then there is the budget policy itself. According to the new budget, the US budget deficit will amount to 4.6 percent of the gross domestic product. According to the International Monetary Fund, which uses a different definition, it even amounts to 5.5 percent. Such a high deficit is unusual after such a favorable and long economic boom. In its most recent publication, the Congressional Budget Office, the formally impartial mathematician of Congress, reports that the US budget is now on course for an endless series of rising deficits. At least until 2030, when the deficit will be 5.4 percent. The national debt will have risen by that time from 81 percent of GDP to 98 percent. And that is the American definition. According to international budget standards, the US national debt is already 108 percent of GDP. Except just after the Second World War, there was not such a series of budget deficits as those under Trump.

There are two stories in the U.S. economic growth. One in which the US is going through a renaissance, under the unorthodox policy of President Trump. With increasing employment, rising wages and strong stock prices. The Great American Comeback, as Trump called it in his State of the Union. But there is also another story in which the lifespan of the American economy is extended with equine resources. Just like in a horror movie, to dissolve rapidly in the event of death. It is unlikely that these two lectures will meet each other. Just like that, in current American political relationships, it seems to be the case with every other subject. Certainly in the election year 2020.

Are you looking to invest in stocks other than in the United States? Invest in Canada. Check out for the best stocks to buy in Canada.

The First Phase Agreement Between US and China

The phase one trade deal between the United States and China has not really guaranteed an end to the dispute between the two nations. This had been the words of Myron Brilliant, the American Chamber of Commerce vice-chairman.

As outlined by Brilliant, the trade agreement is anticipated to be agreed upon sealed by signatures. This clearly shows that pressure involving the two camps is easing. Brilliant added that there is more to the agreement that it had been previously envisioned.

As we all know, he has attended briefings on the content of the contract but has not yet seen the text. “In order to build trust and certainty, the implementation of ‘Phase 1’ is very important,” Brilliant said.

He said, but even though the preliminary contract “eases the bleeding,” it did not end the dispute. China carries on to support its own industries, while the United States still imposes import tariffs on Chinese goods worth billions of dollars. Therefore, it is expected that the contract extension will be more difficult.

Several critics have also questioned the implementation of existing contracts. Included in the agreement, China should significantly expand its acquisitions of American agriculture products.

Politics Versus Economics

Politics is the politician who puts together the opinions of the group and makes a rule. The person who does that is called a politician. The economy is a series of activities from making things to be bought and sold to people who need them, to buying and using them.

For example, make vegetables, deliver them to the market, buy vegetables from the market and eat them, or create an amusement park and have customers visit the park and enjoy riding a roller coaster.

Economics and Politics: Basic Definitions

The Role of Politics in Economy

It is the role of politics to make rules for the production of goods, the production of goods, the distribution of goods to people, and the consumption of goods used.

For example, if there are chemicals that should not be used during production, it is the job of a politician to gather the opinions of experts and compile them into rules (laws).

It is the job of politicians to create laws that will not abuse new technologies and other harmful things.

The role of politics, as well as how to deal with various foreign affairs, also responds by incorporating the opinions of various people, and this is called diplomacy.

So, if the politicians are blurred without any decision, the economy, technology, and foreign situation are changing every moment, and the current law becomes useless over time. In a straightforward example, PCs and mobile phones did not exist 50 years ago, but now everyone has it, and there are many crimes using it.

Should Cryptocurrencies be Banned for Good or a Stricter Regulation has to be Implemented?

Blockchain is simply a public record of past valid transactions. Bitcoin and all other digital coins are validating financial transactions using a process referred to as “mining”. This is then distributed among computers to solve mathematical problems. Computers that were able to solve it then receives an award and can use the solution in verifying transactions by means of adding blocks that contain multiple transactions to blockchain.

When you make use of crypto trading bot from, it will be using the same principle but only different. It applies a different format by means of analyzing the market and make trades on bitcoins to generate profits.

A Fair Chance for Everyone

Protocols are intentionally designed in ensuring that the computer that solved the problem is not aware of which transaction it is working on. This at the same time will help in preventing predictions about the computer that’ll likely work on specific transactions. Furthermore, it will ensure that just one person has possession of single currency unit in a given time. This makes it hard to tamper or fake transactions.

For this reason, there are numerous questions in relation to the opportunities and risks associated with the use of cryptocurrency for funding political campaign and having transparency as well as oversight of said transactions.

Another thing to be taken into account is whether they must be included in the circulation or real currencies or if it should be treated like an asset or something else.

Expanding Knowledge in its Use and Applications

In political finance, it is critical to identify its purpose for there’s a totally different regulation between in-kind and in-cash donations. What’s more, digital currencies may violate political finance regulations like by channeling anonymous or foreign donations to banned countries.

Above everything else, it is uncertain whether it merits special regulations since they’ve yet to be in mainstream and most remain skeptical regarding what its future holds in legal economy. As a matter of fact, even experts in political finance only have mere understanding of how cryptocurrencies work and applications as well as its implications in relation to financing politics.

In Bad Light

One notable aspect that cryptocurrencies have is its decentralized nature. This enables people and certain entities to circumvent banking system which can cause big issues for AML or Anti-Money Laundering efforts and opportunities to reduce the cost of transaction. When cryptocurrencies are made focus more on privacy instead of transparency, oversight agencies are facing serious challenges in monitoring financial and transactional flows that raises concerns regarding their possible effects on how many is used in politics, corruption, money laundering and funding of illicit activities.

China Still Has Strong Economic Security

Primary financial institutions in China said the Chinese economy still has strong resilience despite mounting pressure. Among the increasing pressure is related to debt swelling and the ongoing trade war with the United States (US).

The PBOC (Peoples Bank of China) added that many Chinese households saved more, the business community was vibrant and there were large financial institutions that functioned well and many policy tools. The PBOC statement was revealed in a report on financial stability.

China: Economy ‘still operating within a reasonable range

“The PBOC will increase the flexibility and coordination of financial supply in serving the real economy while preventing financial risks,” the PBOC said, as quoted by Xinhua, Saturday, November 30, 2019.

On the other hand, the Chinese central bank placed so much stress on the significance of the financial market in preserving China’s real economic climate. At the PBOC meeting chaired by PBOC Governor Yi Gang, conference participants agreed that the financial sector had offered stable support to the real economy in 2019.

However, according to a statement released after the meeting, achieving stable macroeconomic and financial operations still faces a number of challenges, the downward pressure on the economy continues to increase, and social credit still faces pressures of partial contraction.

Yi said ongoing efforts must be made to strengthen counter-cycle adjustments and increase credit support for the real economy. He underlined that the increase in money supply and combined financing must be in line with nominal GDP growth.

“As for M2, the extensive gauge of the money supply which involves cash in circulation as well as all deposits, increased to as much as 8.4% YoY to 194.56 trillion yuan (around USD27.7 trillion at the end of October, PBOC data show.

M2 growth is the same as growth at the end of September. However, 0.4 points higher than the same period last year. Its growth this year is basically in line with nominal GDP growth.

Furthermore, Yi urged that the financial sector can play a full role in the role of the LPR mechanism in reducing real lending rates and continue efforts to increase bank lending capacity by replenishing capital.

“China will continue to implement wise monetary policies and see banks contribute more to financing the real economy,” the PBOC statement said

On a side note, while China’s economic climate is highly affected by its financial sector, the support of its primary institutions is overwhelming. And even if loans to the public is not easily accessible (except for settlement loans like car accident loans), they still manage to keep a strong economic climate.

Factors That Affect Currency Values: Economy, Politics, Government Policies

Forex signals are suggestions for going into a trade on a pair of currency, typically at a certain value and time. These signals are either produced manually by an analyst or automatically by a Forex robot provided to a forex signal service subscriber.

Factors Affecting Currency Values

But, similar to most commodities, forces of demand and supply in the market impact the prices of currencies. Sequentially, these forces are affected by numerous factors wherein they sometimes raise demand or supply bringing about a fluctuation in the value of the currency.

Whatever influences money flow in a nation or between nations may affect the values of a currency. Below are three of the major factors that impact the price of a currency:

  • Economy

The currency value of a nation is determined by its economic status. Usually, a budding economy is the basis for a currency that’s stable wherein it is valued greatly compared to others. Whichever factors that influence the progression of the economy, whether in a positive or negative manner also have a bearing on currency prices.

There are numerous economic signs that must be thought through prior to making a decision on a forex trade. These signs exemplify different economic aspects. As the overall condition of the economy influences the value of the currency, these signs are quite beneficial in identifying how the prices of currency will turn out given the present conditions of the economy.

  • Policies Of The Government

The economy of a country is always being assessed by its government and act on it. Policies are formed and carried out by its government to boost existing economic conditions throughout a positive movement and to remedy the disproportion if the condition of the economy isn’t faring well.

Most policies of the economy are under two types, the monetary and fiscal policies. The monetary policies affect the different elements of the financial framework of the country to better or uphold the economy. The country’s central bank executes the policies of the government by means of using numerous investment tactics in the markets.

Fiscal policies sketch out the government’s spending. Part of the fiscal policies is the yearly budget. It identifies the places where government spending will take place. Spending done by the government encourages the industries’ prospects as well as the economy’s segments.

Both fiscal and monetary policies have an effect on currency prices, however the influence of monetary policies is just about instantaneous.

  • Politics

Frequently, politics determines the route taken by an economy. Political turmoil or instability causes many ambiguities regarding the future and suppresses the growth of the economy and the value of the currency. An imminent election or warfare may bring about a careful and guarded investment tactic, lessening the flow of capital into a nation.

Moreover, a change in administration frequently subdues the currency’s price movement in the foreign exchange market. Up until the political outlooks of the new administration or leadership, fiscal and monetary policies as well as viewpoints on global trade clears, the markets don’t demonstrate a clear movement in the value of the currency.

A nation that is regarded as politically unstable won’t be an ideal or preferential partner for trading. This will have an effect on its forex trade and the currency’s value in this market. Conversely, a progressive and broadminded political leader as well as an unwavering leadership put forward amplified investments since the confidence of investors grows sturdier.

What is IPE or the International Political Economy?

The IPE is a part of social science that aims to better understand global issues through the use of theoretical viewpoints and multifaceted tools. Even though it has primarily grown as a field under International Relations, it has now fully developed to stand alone. The University of Puget, there are more than 30 students who have finished a degree in IPE every year. The rising popularity of IPE is a result of the continuous breakdown of limitations that divides the economy, politics, and various other social sciences.

Progressively, the single most stressing issue that researchers and lawmakers are facing are those that can only be understood from various points of view. IPE brings down the walls that limit rational inquiry within the arena of social sciences. Therefore critical questions and issues could be analyzed with no disciplinary reference.

International Political Economy


Politics And Cryptocurrency – Will They Ever See Eye To Eye?

Investors have the opportunity to become involved in cryptocurrency trading at anytime and anywhere. However, cryptocurrencies are identified to be extremely volatile or unstable, with drastically fluctuating prices even in minutes. With its volatility and the capability to trade anytime and anywhere, these factors restrict in numerous ways the efficiency of manual cryptocurrency trading.

Providentially, there is a solution to such issues. One of the major solutions is the best crypto bots for trading, or tools that are automated to administer trades as well as carry out transactions for human investors.

Slow Acceptance and Adoption of Crypto by Politicians and Governments

Many individuals, businesses and industries are quick to adopt cryptocurrencies. Politicians and governments on the other hand appear to be taking the adoption of cryptocurrency slowly. Moreover, when Facebook has publicized its new crypto project, legislators and regulators were quick to respond with apprehensions and criticisms. Additionally, they called for its strict regulation, which would definitely impact the cryptocurrency industry.

Regardless, politics and cryptocurrency must look for some commonalities as cryptocurrencies is to remain. Regulators are more and more expected to integrate crypto assets into the worldwide economy. Furthermore, as the masses become more interested, knowledgeable and involved with digital currencies, central authorities must recognize it as part of human society.

With increasingly more G20 countries prepared to back the global regulation for digital currencies, politics and cryptocurrency might grow to be more tightly and strongly intertwined. Still, a large number of government officials correlate digital currencies with high risks, especially with the announcement of the Libra project.

Who Supports Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies?

Although majority of nations lack a strong and well-defined legislation and regulation for cryptocurrencies, a number of legislators are in favor of crypto and digital assets. For instance, 2020 US presidential candidate under the Democratic party Andrew Yang is enthusiastic about Bitcoin, and actually accepts donations in the form of Bitcoin as well as Ethereum to finance his campaign.

Japan, Sweden, the UK, as well as Switzerland have likewise voiced their support of the adoption of the blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. Vladimir Putin as well has pointed out cryptocurrency in his addresses, appealing to policymakers to cease in decelerating the development and advancement of new technologies. Yet, these alone couldn’t unite politics and cryptocurrency.

But, when politics and digital currencies come together, it will bring about either adoption and regulation or prohibition. Political figures could advocate the adoption of cryptocurrency; however it is essential they have a clear and working understanding of the concept of decentralization as well as the benefits of crypto and digital assets.

Cryptocurrency has an impact on the traditional system of finance, which is largely controlled and regulated by politics. Therefore, it’s but normal and expected that politicians and governments repudiate the benefits of crypto and blockchain, since they don’t wouldn’t like to lose that control over their economies. It is then necessary to regulate the usage of these digital currencies and assets for the benefit of everyone.

Government’s Help to Buy Scheme Is A Big Market Risk

Audit office of the government gives fair warning regarding the decline in equity values that will knock out loan records.

Boosting the home ownership through the help of the government scheme has lead the authority to relevant market risk. In addition, this scheme had been utilized by some buyers as a risk which may lead to negative equity. Based on the data of the National Audit Office, with an estimated figure of around 70 percent of individual who used this scheme can buy properties without the assistance of the Help to Buy program of the government. Moreover, around 20 percent securing that from the government were not first timers. This create impact of economy to corporate credit.

What is Help to Buy Program?

Help to Buy” is a program of the government introduced in 2013 in UK by the coalition party of David Cameron. The main goal of this program is primarily to help more individuals to land on the equity ladder. However, political critics insist that this so-called program of the government has diffused the prices of the equity and at the same time the revenue of the house builders. On the other hand, the shortage problem regarding affordable homes experienced failure in fixing it.

The “Help to Buy” program permits home buyers to render a deposit of as low as 5% on a newly build home. Subsequently, the buyer will have to receive an equity loan provided by the government to wrap the 40% of the equity value or the 20%. Traditional mortgage will cover up the balance from the equity loan which will be computed by the equity release mortgage calculator.

Help to Buy’s Total Investment

Since April 2013 until December of 2018, the “Help to Buy” program already catered 211,000 loans through the help of the Ministry of Housing and the Communities and Local Government. As estimated end date of the program, the “Help to Buy” scheme will end by 2023 in which the loan is also expected to peak. This program just opened the government to relevant market risk in case the equity values decrease. Moreover, this ties up an important financial capacity for the public.

Further, the government is expecting to regain its total investment rendered to this program by the year 2032. However, a reduction in the equity market could strike the value of its loan book. In addition, the auditor also gave warning that other buyers who used the scheme are also wanting to sell their properties. Afterwards, they also find their selves having equity of negative value.

Social Media when Used Irresponsibly

Getting through political debate is like playing a retro computer game called “minesweeper”. Everyone just has their own point of views, how this and that should be than and so forth. In fact, just a quick browse on your social media feeds and you will be welcomed with a number of strong political views. But that is not necessarily the nature of political debate. This is done especially during election as a way to see what type of personality a politician has who is running for office.

Based on research, people who do not care what others would think have higher probabilities of engaging in politics on various social media sites. This may have an effect on what they’re saying online and contributing to vitriolic tone that’s putting a lot of people to engage in political conversations online. Additionally, it can be decisive to choose political content that people would encounter on their newsfeed.

Might want to Slow Down eh?

Social media became popular back in the start of new millennium. Many thought that it’s going to open diversity in taking part of political debate as anyone may post something and anyone can see their messages and share it to millions worldwide.

But for many, politics is more of a sensitive case and they do care about the audience. On social media, you have invisible audience. Unless they start reacting to something by means of sharing, liking or commenting on it. Even if you’re interested in politics, chances are, if you’re sensitive to being rejected socially, then better shy away from sharing, commenting or posting on political issues. Well, unless of course, you are certain that they’re uncontroversial in nature.

Not Everything has to be Shared Online

Basically, posting political issues is like applying loans from lenders such as No one really cares about your financial state unless you make it public. You will be surprised how many people who have their own opinion about something. If you are not ready from some of the negative feedback you’d get, then better keep it yourself.

There’s a Science Behind

Rejection sensitivity is actually a measurement used in social psychology. This is designed to know the social risk propensity. Meaning to say, it is looking at how afraid a person is from being rejected by someone for something that you’ve done or said by asking how you’d react to hypothetical situations. By getting answers to such questions, experts were able to calculate the rejection sensitivity index for a person. Low value means there’s low sensitivity to rejection and then, vice versa.

The Politics of Public Opinion

Freedom of expression is something that every individual and country has the right to. Every person has the ultimate right and responsibility to voice out matters that concern them, or they are specifically concerned about. To intensify this right, the media, and our media is very much entitled to provide ways for the public to be able to gain access to this without a glitch and make sure that people have enough ways and entitlement to be very expressive on their concerns and their thoughts. But the question is, like any other rights, what are the limitations of this so-called “public opinion”.

Limits and The Power of Public Opinion

The right to express one’s voice is an ultimate power given to everyone, and as the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility, it is ultimately true that being responsible in using this right is very important. Words can make or break an individual or more so a well-established company or identity in the economy like, and that is where public opinion should be more lenient in making sure that it is used properly and accordingly.

Like any other right, and more importantly on this, Your freedom to public opinion stops when the rights of other people are penetrated and disturbed. Words are way more powerful than any other act, and it is always the responsibility of the speaking party to make sure that even in the act of expressing himself, concepts and deliverance are properly conveyed to stay away from any possible misunderstanding and interference of communication.

Public opinion is important because one voice contributes and stands for an entire group of people with the same thoughts and concerns. One voice of disapproval raises great concern regarding the opposing party which is initially to be considered by the deciding party of a situation. Public opinion paves the way for unheard thoughts that many indulge in, and there is where change and action can be started and made to properly address and give a solution to a concern.

Forgiving Student Debt Could Boost The Economy

Loans are could be very much beneficial to numerous individuals. For example, the American Pride Auto Accident Loans ease the financial load of individuals who have encountered such unexpected incident. However, there are certain loans that do help people along the way but ultimately become a problem.

In the United States, the leading cause of debt is on student loans where 45 million Americans are into about 1.5 trillion US dollars’ worth of debt on student loan. This encumbers the economy of the nation, since money that could’ve been spent on paying for basic needs, establishing businesses, or purchasing homes is rather expended on servicing debt.

Education Reform Plan to Forgive Student Debt

A bold reform plan on education was proposed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren. The proposal intends to forgive student loans of over 30 million Americans that amount to billions of US dollars. The program on debt forgiveness is only a fragment of a bigger program to make more accessible to everyone higher education.

These figures make it simple to comprehend why individuals are so perceptive regarding ideas for higher education to be tuition-free worldwide, but, those plans only does little for individuals who are at present struggling because of student loan debt.

This is probably why Sen. Elizabeth Warren publicized that not only will her plan on education would make colleges accessible to everyone regardless of financial capabilities but also lessen the debt that millions of Americans owe.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is one of the Democrats presently running for the 2020 US presidential election. The education reform plan that she has announced hits on voluminous of the major democratic discussion points in propositioning that the federal government interpose and create two-year as well as four-year programs for undergraduates free of tuition at public universities. However, Warren’s proposal differs from others as she would as well forgive the debt of numerous Americans who have already graduated.

Warren’s proposal was likewise commended by Robert Reich, Former Secretary of Labor. On his page on Facebook, he mentioned that by disregarding debt on student loan, it would be an immense boost for the economy. Moreover, he also mentioned that it would permit millions of young individuals to invest in things such as purchasing a home or beginning a business.

What Experts Say About The Education Reform Plan

Brandeis University conducted an assessment and projected that, with the education reform plan, it would yield positive economic outcomes. By means of the abrupt deletion of such a great debt load from so numerous individuals, it would steer towards an economy that is consumer-driven, recovered and bettered credit scores, bigger home-purchasing rates and stability in housing, better and greater rates of college completion, as well as bigger formation of businesses.

Warren’s reform plan might end up being a sensible investment. In the US, the cost of a college education has over the years increased dramatically. Numerous proposals were set forward to resolve the issue, however, currently only as single plan exists to absolve the debt of individuals who have completed their higher education already.

Impact of Economy on Corporate Credit

The poor economic climate today is making an impact on the accessibility of businesses to corporate credit. Fact – more and more consumers are not being able to pay for their fundamental expenses and this truth is terrifying. Should you decide to market services or goods that are not necessary, you could see a considerable decrease in your product sales. People just cannot afford to buy items that don’t meet their needs as a family.

This is definitely bad news for many businesses of all types because it affects the decline in potential sales. For instance, due to the rising costs of services, you will find fewer people watching movies or dining out. They’d rather make their own dinner and watch movies in their homes. Families realize considerable savings if they skip dining out or watching movies in theaters when it is cheaper to do it at home.

Impact of Economy on Corporate Credit

As more and more businesses feel the downturn of the economy, this also has a major impact on corporate credit. These days, lenders are also finding it hard to lend out money because of the high financial risk that the majority of people are facing regardless of good credit history. However, in the Netherlands, there are many private institutions that bring together many lenders who are ready to evaluate businesses. Such private institutions are in the likes of

It turns out that even if you have an excellent credit standing to back your business, the chances of being turned down by lenders is still high. This is due to the global economic structure that impacts the decision of lenders.

For people who cannot pay back whatever they have lent it could be extremely tough. Ensure you talk to the lending company. They could possibly restructure your current corporate credit so that it does not have a bad effect on your credit history. Losing your business due to the economy could be the worst thing that can happen. So you have to genuinely have a strategy for keeping on the right track.

In case you have a good deal of corporate credit obtainable, avoid going into the routine of depending on it. Use it only as your last resort. Don’t get let your emotions affect your judgment because if you do, your decision could be a bad choice.

In the downturn of the economy, it is usually the new business that gets affected considering that they have yet to establish good corporate credit. Aside from looking for the best lender to trust them, there is also a high possibility that they are getting a higher interest rate.

What is Economic Recession?

It cannot be denied that the economy has a significant role in the development and progress of a country. The country is said to be advanced if it has a high level of economic growth, which is indicated by gross domestic product value or national income.

Not surprisingly, every country always tries to boost its economic growth so that it can create the welfare of the people and other sectors in the joint life of the state that can run smoothly and smoothly.

Hope does not always come true. Achieving economic growth is influenced by many external factors that cannot be controlled, such as market mechanisms and others. Therefore, there are times when a country’s economy enters a recession.

What is the economic recession?

In simple terms, an economic recession can be understood as an economic downturn.

As the name implies, which means sluggishness or deterioration, recession results in a simultaneous decline in every activity in the economic sector. Just mention employment, investment, and also company profits.

An economic recession caused a domino effect on each of these economic activities. When investment declines, the level of production of competitive products will also decrease.

The impact will be more due to termination of employment. Further, this requirement increases the people’s purchasing power which decreases which results in a decrease in company profits.

An economic recession is often indicated by a decline in prices called deflation, or in contrast to where product prices or domestic competition are increasing rapidly.

If it is not immediately addressed, the recession will continue for a long time to become an economic recovery, which can result in economic bankruptcy or a collapse of the economy. If the economy of a country has arrived at this crisis, then economic recovery will be more difficult.

Political Loans and Its Process

Money, Finance, Business, Success, Exchange, Financial

If you ask most people you know whether they have loans, they will probably say yes. This is because loans being offered by several companies and bank benefit us a lot especially if we do not want to cash out a huge amount of money. Usually, different types of loans include car loans, mortgage loan, and education loan. Usually a bank offers loan exclusively for one item only such as house. But due to the increasing competition in loans, lenders think of unique services that will benefit their customers or clients. Consumer loans, in, offer ways on how you can compare consumer loans without collateral and has no security requirements. This means that the bank does not require a mortgage on a home or car to grant it. Hence, you are free to dispose of the money as you wish because the loan is not limited to one item only.

Loans do not come only in personal type of loans such as cars and houses. There is also what we called the political loans where candidate can apply for loan in order to support their campaigns. Candidates and political committees may accept campaign loan. In order to qualify for repayment, a monetary or in-kind loan must be recorded in a written loan agreement executed when the loan is made and timely and accurately reported as a loan on the recipient’s PDC reports. 

When it comes loan terms such as interest rate, payment intervals and amounts, and due date, all depend on  the lender and candidate or political committee officers. Terms care negotiated during the life of the loan, upon the mutual consent of the parties. The payment date is also flexible such as when funds are available.

Ideally, candidates and political committee report loans perfectly when they are received and repayments are correctly disclosed as well  The Commission understands, however, that innocent mistakes are made and a loan might be reported as a contribution – especially a loan from the candidate.  The Commission has decided that a loan may be repaid if it was mistakenly reported as a  contribution, provided the campaign executed a written loan agreement when the money was received.

It is believed that additional types of loans will be made available in the following years. It  will not only support individuals, students, and candidates. However, there are always risks and downsides of loans such as when we cannot pay off bills on time which is why applicants are carefully screened when applying for loans.

TILA – Consumer’s Protection from Abusive Lenders

TILA or the “Truth in Lending Act” is a federal law that was passed in 1969. This is to safeguard businesses and private individuals of receiving fair treatment from lenders. At the same time, to have transparency of the true cost of credit. TILA demands lenders in disclosing credit terms in an easy to understand manner. This way, consumers can perform a comparison of conditions and interest rates.

This is something that every lender should know. And in the event that you have opted to apply for Zebra loans from New Zealand, they would happily oblige on your request for document transparency.

Lenders Warning! This is what Should Be Disclosed to Clients

Truth in Lending should be provided by the lenders. It is a disclosure statement which includes the following information:

  • Details regarding the loan amount
  • The APR or the Annual Percentage Rate
  • Finance charges including late charges, prepayment penalties or application fees
  • Payment schedule and;
  • Total amount to be repaid throughout the lifetime of loan

TILA is outlining the rules that will be applicable to closed-end accounts similar to auto loans or mortgage loans and other open-ended accounts similar to credit cards. It doesn’t put any restrictions on banks no matter how much interest they like to charge or whether they have to grant loan. However, it does require lenders in disclosing information that’s related to fees and charges of the loan.

Consumers who refinance for mortgage loans have “right of rescission”. This is basically a 3-day cooling period wherein they can cancel their loan without losing any amount they have released.

What about Regulation Z?

This is actually a Federal Reserve Board rule that’s requiring the lenders to disclose the actual cost of credit in writing right before it is borrowed. This normally includes sum of money loaned (spelled out), rate of interests, loan terms and fees and the finance charges.

Simply speaking, Regulation Z is another term to describe TILA. Basically, these two are interchangeably used in the industry.

Both of these have been amended a number of times since 1968 that it’ll take a book in describing all modifications. The first update came in the 70s and has prohibited unsolicited credit cards. However, this was only the beginning.

Among the major amendments was focused on CFPB or Consumer Financial Protection Bureau rulemaking authority which is under TILA as well. CFPB used its authority in implementing rules for the ability-to-repay requirements for home loans, fees and points limits that is applicable to qualified mortgages as well as refined loan originator compensation rules.

The Reasons Why Government is Overspending

Consumer, Trapped, Consumption, Concept, Shopping Nowadays, people can easily buy anything they want even even if it is not yet payday. If the item is too expensive they can even choose to pay it through installment. These are all  possible because of credit. The problem is that people who are unable to live within their means usually get themselves in trouble. And the worst thing that may happen is that they will live in debt. Hence, wholesale tradelines source is on top of the most search terms nowadays.  The same goes for governments. It is also possible for them to overspend if they failed to budget properly.

If a person spends more than he can afford,  then he will most likely find himself in trouble sooner or later. If you continue doing this, your debt gets bigger and bigger and the portion of your outgo that is interest gets larger and larger and eventually you get to the point where you just can’t pay your bills. And if you can’t pay your electric bill they cut off the electricity.

The situation with the government is also similar with the above mentioned case. If they fail to control how it is being spend, the people who are paying for their taxes may start to rally.

What can the government do in times when the outgo is much greater that the income?

  1. Increase Taxes-  It can increase income by raising taxes. But it is limited in how much it can raise taxes. It can only raise them so far. If it raises them too much it will kill incentive and have a counter-productive effect. Capital will flee the country, go elsewhere
  2. Borrow Money– the government can borrow money to make up the difference between its outgo and income. It borrows money by issuing government bonds. People buy government bonds and thus lend money to the government. But, just as with an individual, if it borrows money, it has to pay interest on that money.
  3. Print Money– government has the authority to print money. Just print a whole lot of unbacked money. Then it can pay its bills with that new money, make up the difference between outgo and income with that. You can get away with this for a while but it always brings disaster if you constantly do it. Many governments have tried it and it always ends in hyperinflation with the money becoming worthless (as happened in Germany after World War I with the German mark).

Importance Of Stock Exchange In The World Economic Setup

The Stock exchange has an important role in the world economy by serving as the anchor of the modern national economic system. Stock exchanges enable companies to raise funds for expansion. They also give people a chance to make investments in corporations. Stock exchanges present order and control in imposing stock trading. Finally, all corporations linked to stock exchanges present tens of thousands of job opportunities. Let’s look into this further.

Provide companies the ability to grow and expand

Stock exchanges provide means for companies to come up with funds needed to expand their business. Whenever a company has a need to come up with funds, it could offer shares to the public for sale. They do this by having their shares of stock listed on the stock exchange. Investors can purchase publicly-issued shares, and the funds raised from investors are utilized to grow the company’s business, buy other companies or hire more employees. All of this adds to the economic activities that help boost the economy.

A chance for the people to invest

With stock trading, anyone can invest in the world’s largest companies. Large and small investors make use of stock exchanges to purchase futures offered by a company. For instance, the WOT ASIA offers a global market investment that brings next level investment directly to the investing public. If there is no place to concentrate on trading stocks, it is impossible for ordinary people to invest. The ability of common people to make investments in these companies can be an added income for investors. This increase in income contributes to additional economic activity because investors spend money.

Improved investor class

Stock exchanges provide order and guidance to the stock trading process. Without regulatory and shareholder protection, investors would be adamant to make investments in stocks. Because of regulations on stock exchanges, more people are involved in investor ratings because the average person has confidence in investing in stocks. Rich investors grow over time and can contribute even more towards the economy.

Provide great jobs and career opportunities

Every company involved in stock exchanges which include investment banks, brokerage firms, and financial news agencies employ the service of tens of thousands of men and women. The majority of works associated with the stock market are very well paid and promises a great career. Because of this, employees of these companies can promote economic activity.

How Do the Stock Market and the Economy Interact?

Final Thoughts…

In the event that the stock exchange does not fully fulfill its obligation to oversee the stock trading process, the investing public may soon doubt the fairness and security of the stock trading game. When this happens, all the economic activity that the stock exchange creates is reduced and will cause a significant decrease in its overall economic activity. A stock exchange should ensure that investors are not abused and that investors will have that continuing trust and confidence in the system the stock exchange has created.


The Real Score why Political Psychology is something to Reckon With

Political psychology has deep roots in psychology as well as political science. As a matter of fact, it’s so deep that its connections are ranging to other social sciences which include:

  • Economics
  • Sociology
  • Business and;
  • Communication

Believe it or not, we are just barely touching the surface since there are various other fields that call for it. Political psychologists are trying to further understand the thinking or psychological roots, underpinnings as well as consequences associated to political behavior. If you wish to study how it works, you can get a loan to fund your education at Need Money Now.

Some works are used in order to further improve political phenomena by means of practicing basic cognitive processes theories. Aside from that, social relations were initially designed outside the realm or umbrella of politics.

The Underlying Factors You weren’t told about

There are other political psychologists that are involving the development or creation of a totally new theory in order to deliver a psychological account of political phenomena.

Anyway, political psychology is illuminating or enlightening the dynamics of what’s important in the real world. This is done in various ways that would yield almost any valuable information and at the same time, something that will improve the development and advancements of social relations and theories of cognitive processes.

Everything works in unison to help people to have a better understanding of why and how political events happen as they do.

Political Psychology for Politicians

For politicians, political psychology is something that can’t be ignored. It plays a critical role in their standing and image in the public. It is for the reason that it’s giving them great insights regarding behavioral patterns of the voters.

Politicians can foresee the potential impact and repercussions of the things they are going to say or activities they are about to do.

Thus, it equips them with the right strategy to execute the right action to gain the hearts of the people. With such information at hand, it allows them to act or manipulate information and the flow of things.

Political Psychology for the Masses

For voters on the other hand, political psychology is equally important as well. This in a way that it empowers them to better understand what bears a good and competent leader. An individual can do comparison of current leaders to what they think and believe is ideal leader to lead them. Based upon rankings, he or she can make a vote for that leader who is closets to their idea or at least believe is the representation of that idea they have.
