Fundamentals of Political Economy - What is the meaning of Wealth?

Growing Green Economies

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Sustainable Finance And The Economy

As a society and economy, you are currently making decisions of systemic proportions. You reduce the load on your ecological systems and successfully limit global warming or climate change and ecosystem degradation will irreversibly change society. In each of these two worlds, business models and technologies are facing fundamental change and so is the value development in investment.

Financial sector: factor for sustainable economy

The financial sector is one of the key factors for the success of the necessary broad transition to a sustainable economy. How private capital contributes to this development and ultimately enables it, plays an important role in the success of sustainable economic activity. The financial sector, through its role as a distributor of capital, is in a unique position to make the necessary transition to a carbon neutral and green economy mainstream. It can incentivize and more easily and cheaply capitalize companies that are positioning themselves for future success. They do this by managing their climate risks and environmental influences strategically, purposefully and systematically manage and reduce.

Funding and investing in a sustainable economy ultimately brings financial and multiple societal benefits. This is the starting point of your work in the field of sustainable finance for a fully sustainable financial system.

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Align capital flows sustainably

The financial sector is an elementary part of the solution. To achieve international climate goals and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, investments of two to three trillion dollars per year are required worldwide. However, investments in sustainable business practices are still negligible compared to capital flows that are directed, for example, into fossil energies or high-risk sectors from a sustainability perspective.

The funds required for the transformation must be financed largely from private capital. In doing so, it must be possible to divert the capital through an appropriate management of funds. The goal of every business is to fully leverage the positive impact of the financial sector.

The structurally necessary change in society, the real economy and the financial economy offers not only risks but also enormous opportunities for the financial economy. A structured, systematic and sufficiently forward-looking consideration of these changes in investment. Financing decisions allows risks to be controlled more comprehensively and better, and opportunities to be exploited.

A sustainable financial system understood in this way is future-proof and resilient. It accelerates sustainable change by promoting climate-neutral technologies and business models that are in line with the carrying capacity of the planet.

How Politicians can Improve the Economy by Trading Overseas?

Today’s economy is challenging for many businesses and industries. For politicians, the best way to help the economy is by actively trading overseas. By opening new markets and increasing exports, politicians can encourage economic growth in their region or country.

At first glance, it may not appear like exporting will help an economy. After all, it means sending something away so that others will give you something in exchange.

Here are three ways that politicians can use international trade to improve the local or national economy;

Decrease Unemployment and Foster Economic Growth

One of the best ways that politicians can improve the economy is by reducing unemployment. There are many different ways to measure unemployment, but the most common is the unemployment rate.

This tells you what percentage of the workforce is currently unemployed.

When there are more people employed, the economy is stronger. Many politicians encourage employers to hire and create more jobs. But one of the best things that can be done for the economy is for the government to create an environment of open trade.

Help Local Businesses

Another way that governments can help local businesses is by reducing taxes. Remember that exports are the number of goods or services that a country sends abroad compared to the number of imports that they receive. 

Taxes on imports or exports are designed to promote certain industries. When there is a trade surplus, it means that the country imports more than they export.

Trade surpluses are usually negative for the economy if they are large enough. It usually indicates that the country is not competitive enough in the world economy. By imposing taxes on imports and subsidies on exports, a government can promote certain industries. But it can also help the economy overall.

Encourage Innovation and Investment

Countries that are open to trade foster innovation and investment. This leads to better products for consumers and more jobs for the people who work in the industry. When businesses and investors have access to more customers through trade, they are more likely to create new products, services, and invest in research and development. When a country has more exports and imports, it is called an open economy.

If politicians want to perform a different type of trading like stocks, that is possible too. They can partner with fidelcrest prop firm for traders and put it on their lists of the other ways to trade.

How Does Politics Affect The Real Estate Investment Market?

Have you ever wondered how politics influence your life? We may or may not agree, but the fact is that it is present in our daily lives and will affect us directly and indirectly. From the way we spend to the way we sell, from small commodities to bigger assets like sell a house. In other words, politics can make an impact in our financial life.

Economic Policy influences sectors of the economy

Many people don’t know, but there are some sectors that are much more affected than others. And, depending on how you are connected to them, you will feel the effects of the Economic Policy carried out in many countries. These strategies used by the Government, therefore, dictate the path for the general functioning of each country.

Today, we live in a scenario of lower basic interest rates, the Selic. Which leaves many rentiers worried about their profitability.

We call rentiers those who invest in fixed income and lend their money to the government in the case of Public Bonds or to banks, finance companies, and companies in the case of private bonds.

When we talk about loans to the government, not from the point of view of those who invest, but from the point of view of those who issue this security, the investment actually becomes a debt. It is simply the Government acquiring money from the population through the issuance of government bonds. And the higher the rate offered to rentiers, the greater the government’s debt to its investors.

This is exactly why economic heading bodies aim to lower the rates even further. This is a way of reducing government spending on paying the fee to rentiers.

Another great reason is the relationship between the basic interest rate and consumption, the lower the rate, the greater the consumption. This is because banks and financial loans and financing define the rate they will charge their customers based on the basic interest rate.

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The sectors most affected by Economic Policy

As loans and financing become cheaper, people begin to take on this debt – thus increasing their purchasing power. There are several sectors that benefit from the increase in purchasing power that is being intensified from the reduction of the Selic rate, such as the energy sector – since companies in general will start to produce more due to the increase in demand, which will require an increase in production and will take a greater amount of energy.

The infrastructure sector is also affected since, with the economy reheating, construction regains prominence, causing a much greater demand for workers to integrate into the workforce. The tourism sector also evolves a lot – since with the economy returning, the country begins to have more prominence.

The retail sector is directly affected by the increase in consumption, its revenue expands and business expands.

But there is one sector, in particular, that is affected before the others – it is as if it were a mirror of what, in fact, is happening with the economy of a country. It is the real estate sector, which shows exactly the current moment of the economy.

The effects in practice

Do you remember walking the streets in mid-2014? I remember that every day that I passed through the city, I ended up seeing more houses to rent or sell, merchants passing the checkout, not all the stores in the malls were occupied and many properties were empty, so a continuous generation of expenses.

When we talk about investments, there is a modality within the variable income that has a moderate degree of risk and is composed precisely of real estate assets.

real estate fund

Real estate funds suffer directly from changes in the economy according to their composition. Not all real estate funds are always made up of physical properties, as FIIs can invest, for example, in fixed-income assets for real estate purposes, such as real estate bills and receipts, mortgage bills, direct treasury, shares of other real estate funds, fixed income, LIG, etc.

In addition, FIIs can also invest in shares, provided that the corporate purpose of these companies is activities allowed to real estate funds, such as mall managers, real estate developers and brokers, and other companies whose main objective is to invest in the real estate market.

Another important feature of this asset class is that it is composed of a closed-end fund. That is, it is not possible to redeem your shares, only to sell them to other buyers.

Hence the importance of being traded on the stock exchange, as it increases their liquidity due to the ease of access by common investors. FIIs are regulated and supervised by the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), which is an autarchy linked to the Ministry of Economy.

We can see then that, among the sectors that are most affected by the economy, it is the real estate sector that will exactly reflect the movements caused by the economic policy.

And considering that real estate investment funds carry assets from this same sector, they also end up being directly affected, affecting the value of the share and the dividends paid, which can appreciate in a high scenario or can depreciate in a low scenario.

History Of Political Economy

You can say that political economy emerged with mercantilism in the 16th century. This doctrine posited that countries became richer as they accumulated the greater amount of precious stones.

Political economy in the 17th to 20th century

Towards the end of the 17th century, Physiocracy was born. This, in response to mercantilism, claimed that nature, especially agriculture, was the source of wealth.

Later, in the 18th century, Adam Smith emerged, who focused on human labor as a source of wealth. His general recommendation was that the state let the agents pursue their own economic interests individually.

Then, in the 19th century, came Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who focused on the distribution of economic surpluses. Marx specifically refers to a surplus appropriated by the capitalists and generated by the workers.

Finally, one can say that there is a neoclassical political economy that emerged between the late 19th century and the early 20th century.

How Politics and Economy Influence Forex Rates

The foreign exchange market is the world’s largest and most liquid market for trading international currencies. It is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The forex market has grown in importance as more countries have adopted floating exchange rates after World War II.

The forex market is an international market where one currency is traded for another. The foreign exchange rate, also known as the forex rate, is the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another. The politics of forex are a factor that influences the foreign exchange rates. The economic indicators and currency rates are factors that influence the economics of currencies.

Forex brokers are there to help you place your trades. They are companies that offer a platform for people to trade currencies. They are the middleman between the traders and the banks. Before you decide on placing a trade, you will have to decide on the best broker to meet your needs. Read about top forex brokers review to help you decide on the best forex broker for you.

The Economic Calendar in Forex

In simple terms, the Forex Economic Calendar is a calendar that displays significant economic events that occur around the world. For example, a country’s interest rate decision (affecting the currency), a country’s crude oil inventories (affecting oil prices), and a country’s employment situation (like the NFP in the US, affecting the US dollar).

The economic calendar is an extremely important tool in trading as it points us in the right direction. This allows us to understand when something may happen to the assets involved and how important the event could be to us as we trade.

Factors influencing foreign exchange rates: politics, market, and manipulation

The main factors influencing foreign exchange rates are as follows:

  • Political decisions and special events. Most events on the economic calendar are the result of political decisions, such as changing the central bank’s interest rate or adjusting the minimum wage. These decisions can have a major impact on a currency’s price. There are also major events, such as wars between two countries. This could lead to shifts in supply and demand for certain assets and currencies, which in turn opens up trading opportunities for you!
  • Natural supply and demand. The forex market (and pretty much every market) is driven by sellers (supply) and buyers (demand). Each time supply or demand increases (or decreases), prices move accordingly. So it’s up to us traders to determine why changes in supply or demand are occurring, how that affects the market, and how we make trading decisions based on it.
  • Market manipulation. No market, no matter how large, can escape manipulation – not even the forex market. If a giant bank wants to boost currency prices, it will find a way to do it. So if we see unexpected movements and strange patterns in forex prices that cannot be explained, it could be a result of market manipulation.

Read also: Foreign Exchange Rates Impacts The Economy

Conclusion: The Impact of Politics and Economy on Forex Trading

Forex trading consists of exchanging currencies for each other and measuring their value. It is the largest and most liquid market in the world and can be traded almost daily. At the end of the day, we are all a part of the forex market – because currency transactions are happening behind the scenes every second!

Forex trading gives you a good insight into the development of a country’s economy, strong currencies are associated with healthy economies, and weak currencies with underperforming economies.

El Salvador President Tests Bitcoin As Second Currency



In June, the parliament of El Salvador allowed the use of Bitcoin as an official second currency. That is great news to those earning Bitcoin through trading (you can also learn how to when you visit

Now the corresponding law has come into force. But many questions remain unanswered. President Bukele seems to want to test his power rather than promote the financial inclusion of his poor country.

In June, the Chamber of Deputies, dominated by a majority of the ruling Nuevas Ideas party, quickly waved through the law to introduce Bitcoin as the official second currency for El Salvador. The law came into force at the beginning of September. It is a very short legal text with only 17 articles. However, the brevity and the unclear or not formulated procedural rules carry a great risk in such sensitive decisions.

President Nayib Bukele announced his decision to introduce Bitcoin during a conference in the US. The conference participants were experts and lovers of technology and cryptocurrencies. At the same time, El Salvador is one of the poorest countries in Latin America.

In his own country, which is about the size of Hesse, Bukele limits his appearances on the subject of Bitcoin to the medium Twitter, which he prefers. So far, there has been no press conference in which the Salvadoran population has been told how to imagine how to deal with Bitcoin.

President Bukele praises the installation of around 200 Bitcoin ATMs on social media almost as a panacea. How the setting of the exchange rate between Bitcoin and the official national currency US dollar is to work, the law does not specify. It is also concealed that when exchanging Bitcoin into US dollars, 5% fees are charged on the transaction.

Opportunities for financial inclusion

Populist Bukele justifies his decision with the opportunities of financial inclusion and the associated freedom that many people will have if they use Bitcoin to enter the formal economy. Bitcoins also have advantages for withdrawing home transfers from the USA, which account for 20% of GDP. For wallet-to-wallet transactions, the withdrawal in El Salvador would be free of charge, but the sender must also have Bitcoin. The government is trying to make the project palatable to citizens by giving everyone $30 in Bitcoin. To a certain extent, Bukele also seems to have the intention of detaching his country from the controls of the international financial system with the introduction of Bitcoin.

In the future, taxes should be able to be paid with Bitcoins, and every company and every business is obliged by law to accept Bitcoins as a means of payment. An app should be used for this. How this works, however, is still unclear. Training and further education opportunities for entrepreneurs or banks have so far been lacking, but they would be urgently needed. Stakeholders are not necessarily critical of the project but are unsettled by the lack of information and the legal basis.


ALSO READ: The Importance of Retail and Wholesale for Growth in a Country


It is a very high-risk experiment

Although the charismatic president, in the eyes of many, despite his authoritarian traits, remains certain of the approval of most Salvadorans, the risks of the latest decision seem to clearly outweigh the opportunities.

Bitcoin has a very volatile value. In order to pay taxes or fines, for example, the law would have to set the applicable exchange rate of US dollars in Bitcoin. For loans in Bitcoin, this volatility is also an extreme problem. Whether the established trust fund of 150 million US dollars will be able to cushion the volatility of Bitcoin remains open.

Transactions with Bitcoins are registered, but it is difficult to understand who made them from which device. This lack of transparency provides an optimal breeding ground for money laundering and the establishment of a tax haven. This is also the biggest concern of international institutions such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the rating agencies Fitch Ratings and Moody’s. Consequently, it remains to be seen what decision the IMF will make regarding the $1.3 million loan to El Salvador currently under negotiation. It is a very high-risk experiment.

A government test run

The actual motives for Bukele’s decision are assumed to be a possible de-dollarization. That would intensify the confrontation with the US. When in May this year the impeachment of all judges of the Supreme Court and the Attorney General became known as the first decision of the newly elected Chamber of Deputies, which was characterized by a majority of the ruling party, the US called for the preservation of the separation of powers as the basis of a stable democracy.

Bitcoin seems to be a test run of the government to observe how quickly such unclear decisions are accepted by the population. That doesn’t bode well. It is clear that the authoritarian traits of the president, with support in parliament, are becoming increasingly apparent. Obvious resistance did not flare up until September 15. On this day, Central America celebrates two hundred years of its independence. But the protesters’ motives are diffuse, with some protesting the introduction of Bitcoin and the Supreme Court’s unconstitutional decision to approve the president’s direct re-election. Others protested against planned constitutional reforms and the restriction of freedom of the press and freedom of expression, while others protested against the sluggish reactivation of the economy. Protesters pretend that they have not taken to the streets out of fear. Whether these protests will continue or intensify remains to be seen.

Role model for other Central American countries?

Not only since the introduction of Bitcoin in El Salvador, other Central American countries have also become aware of the potential of digital currencies. In Honduras, the central bank is already researching the introduction of digital central bank money. Central banks around the world are working on developing a digital form of their respective currencies as well as regulating cryptocurrencies. In Panama, a draft law was presented at the beginning of September, which, however, only provides for the regulation of cryptocurrencies as an alternative means of payment and does not make adoption mandatory. Although the introduction of Bitcoin could further advance the integration of Central America, especially in the commercial and financial sectors, transparency and a clear legal framework must be guaranteed for such a system to work. Digital currencies offer enormous potential for people without access to the banking system. However, it is important to differentiate between the different forms of digital currencies and their functions: While Bitcoin is less suitable as a means of payment due to its high volatility, so-called stablecoins, a version of cryptocurrencies whose value is pegged to that of reserve currencies such as the US dollar, have high stability. Many users use Bitcoin more as a form of investment than as a medium of exchange. Thus, it seems highly problematic when transactions are obliged to accept a volatile cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin. Even supporters of a currency competition should therefore treat El Salvador’s decision with caution.

Politics & Business Have Different Tasks

Politics shapes your social life. It sets the framework for what you do and don’t do, first and foremost in economic matters.

The market economy has a decisive advantage over all other economic systems. In principle, it allows everyone to gain an advantage from the given framework conditions.

This individual and social freedom is the motor for innovation, growth and increasing prosperity if the framework conditions allow it.

Politics and business have two very different tasks in the social system

This means that politics and business, which of course also includes the banks, have two very different tasks in our social system. Politics sets the framework within which you can move. Individual freedom allows each individual to make the best of it for themselves. Ultimately, they can also do it for the society in and for which they work.

Of course, this freedom is not unlimited. Laws and regulations restrict these freedoms, as do ethical and moral norms. In addition, what the citizens earn is redistributed through taxes and levies, for example according to social aspects.

The Importance of Retail and Wholesale for Growth in a Country

Buying goods using a credit card

Retail is the process of selling goods to end consumers. Retailers are companies that sell products to the public. Wholesale, on the other hand, is a process of buying goods in large quantities and selling them in smaller quantities to retailers or other businesses. Retailers buy products from wholesalers and then sell these products to consumers at a higher price. This business model is called retailing. There are many retail stores that operate in this manner, such as Walmart or Target.

Example: A cabinet maker markets wholesale kitchen cabinets, and retailers purchase these items at wholesale price and sell them to consumers at a mark-up depending on the supply and demand.

Government support for the retail and wholesale industry

The United States government’s policy on the retail and wholesale industry is underdeveloped. It has allowed the market to be unpredictable, resulting in a lack of regulation in this important sector. As a result, companies have gone bankrupt or closed down due to extreme competition within the industry. This has caused an increase in unemployment rates for those who work for these businesses that have shut down.

The government can provide several programs to help the retail and wholesale industry.

  • Tax relief. Perhaps the most important is a program that provides tax relief for small businesses. This would give an incentive for businesses to operate in the United States and possibly hire more employees.
  • Grants and loans. Government funds to support the retail and wholesale industry. The retail and wholesale industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. The government is making funds available to support these entrepreneurs and small businesses, offering grants and loans with low or no interest rates.

Role of Retail and Wholesale in a Country’s Economy

Retailers and wholesalers are the backbones of any economy. They provide jobs to people, they provide products to consumers, they generate revenue for governments and they also have a multiplier effect on the economy. The price of a product is decided in the marketplace, not by manufacturers. The country’s economy can grow as long as there is enough demand for goods and people are willing to purchase them.

As such, it is important that these two industries are supported by governments in order to make sure that the country’s economy is stable. Retailers and wholesalers provide jobs for people as well as products to consumers.

Read also: Reasons Why Economic Growth Is Needed

Retail. Retail is defined as an establishment that sells products to consumers in a market. It is a service for consumers and it primarily exists to provide goods and services at lower prices, in contrast with wholesale. There are three main types of retail: proprietorship, partnership, and corporate. A worker who works at a retail store or location is called a salesperson.

Retail industry. The term “retail industry” refers to the sale of products or services to consumers, not just retailers and salespeople. It is often used for businesses that sell a range of goods or services as opposed to a specific niche market. The total retail industry in the U.S. is estimated at $2 trillion with an annual growth rate of 3.2% and a median household income of $62,900 in 2010.

Retail ombudsman. A retail ombudsman is an organization that operates as a third-party mediator between consumers and retailers or other service providers. They are typically free to consumers who have experienced issues with the company they are filing complaints against, including refunds on purchases, reimbursement of purchases, and other things related to the dispute.

Retailer. The term “retailer” refers to a store that primarily sells items that are consumable and not durable or require maintenance. Essentially, it is a shop that sells goods in exchange for money.

Conclusion: Role of Retail and Wholesale in Addressing Economic Challenges

The retail and wholesale industry is one of the most important economic contributors in the world. It has a significant impact on the economy and society, as it provides employment for millions of people worldwide and has a substantial impact on social welfare. This being said, it is just right for the government to support these business sectors to continuously provide balance to the economy.

Fixed Rate Bonds – What You Need to Know

What is a Fixed Rate Bond?

Fixed-rate bonds are usually issued by governments. They generally have a fixed interest rate for the life of the bond. A fixed-rate bond is a type of debt security that returns a set amount of interest at regular intervals, such as every year or every six months. Fixed-rate bonds are usually issued by governments and offer investors a predictable stream of income over the life of the investment.

What are 1 year fixed rate bonds? 1 Year Fixed-Rate Bond is a type of fixed-rate, non-amortized bond with a maturity date of 1 year. They are made available by banks, investment firms, and other financial institutions.

Advantages of Fixed Rate Bonds

  • Fixed-rate bonds are often referred to as being safer and more stable in comparison to floating rate bonds.
  • Fixed Rate Bonds offer a fixed interest rate for the duration of the bond. The interest rates will not change unless there is a change in the market rates, which would make it more attractive to invest in this type of bond.

This stability helps investors plan their finances with certainty, as they know exactly what they are getting when they purchase this type of bond.

Disadvantages of Fixed Rate Bonds

Fixed-rate bonds are a type of security that pays the same interest rate for the entire term. They are different from floating rate bonds because they have a fixed interest rate.

Fixed Rate Bonds come with their own set of disadvantages. For example, they offer less flexibility than floating rate bonds as the interest rates are fixed for the duration of the bond and cannot be changed to reflect market conditions. This means that if there is an economic downturn, investors in fixed-rate bonds will not be able to take advantage of higher rates as they would with a floating-rate bond.

Fixed Rate Bonds also have an increased risk profile when compared to Floating Rate Bonds because Fixed Rate Bonds have a lower yield than Floating Rate Bonds and so even if there is no change in interest rates, Fixed Rate Bondholders will still lose money.

Read also: Government & Its Role In Economic Growth

How To Buy Fixed Rate Bonds?

Fixed-rate bonds are one of the most common types of bonds. The bond issuer promises to repay the principal at a fixed interest rate for a specific period of time. Let’s take a look at how to buy fixed-rate bonds.

The first step is to decide on the type of bond you want to purchase and find out what it pays in terms of interest. If you’re not sure, consult with an investment advisor or financial planner who can help you make an informed decision. In order to buy a fixed rate bond, the investor must be prepared to pay more money upfront than they would with other types of bonds, such as adjustable-rate or zero-coupon bonds. This is because, at maturity, the value of a fixed-rate bond will be exactly what it was when it was purchased.

The investor must also be willing to accept that their return on this investment will not change over time. This means that if an investor purchases a five-year fixed rate bond that pays 5% in interest annually and the bond’s current value is $1,000, the investor would earn $50 per year for five years. The return on this bond would not change if the interest rate of 5% gets bumped up to 6% or is reduced to 4%.

Purchasing a fixed-rate bond allows investors to purchase an asset with a known value and set investment return at maturity. Fixed-rate bonds are often used by investors who want to purchase assets that have a guaranteed return with little risk of loss.

Ecommerce – Achieving Economic Growth in a New Business Landscape

There is no doubt that ecommerce has reached a level of popularity that spurred economic growth and spawned innovations that changed the business landscape. As a result, governments have to catch up with ecommerce laws and regulations for protecting consumers amidst the tightening competition between online entities.

The ecommerce experience equates to convenience, cost reduction and empowerment to choose the best products from sellers and service providers endorsed by consumers. Despite persistent inflation, the rate by which ecommerce has been growing on a global scale, is on track to surpass the projected sales of $1 trillion at the end of year 2022.

Lately in the US, the increased incidences of gun violence, mass shootings, road rages, unprovoked attacks and unexpected flash floods have been posing as post-pandemic growth barriers for brick-and-mortar stores. Moreover, avoidance of additional expenses in light of rising prices is another reason why the buying public prefer to order or shop online.

Businesses Respond by Reducing Complexities of Online Transactions

Opportunities to increase their market share have been motivating online sellers to reduce the complexities of transacting business online. Business-to-business (B2B) players are in fact attracting new and existing customers with streamlined processes that reduce the challenges posed by conventional trade cycles.

The direct-to-consumer (DTC) approach has been driving ecommerce growth, as this sector is expected to generate about $103.4 million in 2022 through drop-shipping method. Here all that a seller has to do is to maintain a website that serves as a channel for processing retail sales, without need to stock merchandise as physical inventories. The DTC approach fulfills orders by purchasing the goods from a distributor or dealer and have it drop shipped directly at the doorstep of the customer.The efficiency of these online channels has also spurred growth in the ecommerce realm. Increased job and business opportunities are present in the fields of IT services, SEO and digital marketing, as well as website design and development. These entities provide the ecommerce elements that can influence the decisions of online consumers when choosing a seller or online store that can potentially become a regular supplier.

Staying Alive Amidst Massive Number of Ecommerce Sites

Market reports have it that currently, there are as many as 12 million or even up to 24 million active ecommerce websites operating globally. An online commercial outlet therefore can easily get overshadowed or lost among the multitude, if its website was not developed and designed to face tough competitions.

SEO strategies and aesthetic features are not enough in order to stand out and be selected above the rest. Once a new customer arrives at a website, how the site functions and behaves in response to actions launched is important. Features such as having a navigable graphic user interface, multimedia content, virtual shopping cart, accessible extensive payment options and such other applications that create an experience similar to using a computer-based program, all add up as factors that add value to shopping or transacting business online.

If you’re looking for an expert provider of ecommerce website development services. This web developer has earned acclaims for building beautiful platforms capable of quickly achieving ecommerce goals using customer-centric applications like Shopify, Drupal, BigCommerce, WooCommerce and.Magento development,

Why Is Economy Important To Government?

The economy plays an important role in your daily life. Studying economics allows you to understand past, current and future models. You can apply them to individuals, businesses, societies, and governments, businesses.

Why is the economy important in society?

Economics provides a framework for understanding the actions and decisions of businesses, individuals, and governments. In addition, it offers a method to understand the relations in a market-driven society. Thus, it provides a way to analyze government guidelines that affect the jobs, families, and lives of citizens.

Government & Its Role In Economic Growth

Government plays an important part in the regional economy.

Why government plays a part in economic development

Social impacts. Development can have long-term optimistic effects on the economic well-being of people and places, especially low-skilled, less-educated individuals.

Spillovers. The marketplace will produce too much if private sector sellers and buyers oversee negative spillovers like pollution. They will produce too little when they oversee positive spillovers.

Existing but under-utilized capacity. If private resources or public infrastructure are left idle, a society can miss out on the chance for existing investments’ economic potential.

Political pressure. Decline or lack of progress in the economy prompts demands from voters for economic development action whether good or bad.

Reasons Why Economic Growth Is Needed

In many political agreements, economic growth is seen as the central solution to social, economic and also certain ecological problems. Growth is considered to be suitable for curbing unwanted side effects of a market economy.

Growth increases prosperity

Real GDP growth means that the value of a country’s production of goods and services increases. Growth enables people to better meet their material needs. Material goods are indispensable for basic needs such as food, and housing and are crucial for people’s physiological well-being. Building on the assumption that people increase their utility by increasing their consumption, increasing disposable income or GDP per capita is an attractive goal for mainstream economists. The basic idea is that the higher the GDP, the better off the inhabitants of a country are, at least as far as economic prosperity is concerned.

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Growth in increases employment and reduces unemployment

Economic growth is crucial for employment and unemployment. This economic principle is also strongly represented in politics. The link between growth and employment can be described in terms of economic factors. Employment increases when economic growth is higher than the increase in labour productivity. Labour productivity increases when the same output can be achieved with fewer hours worked. Unemployment is less affected by economic growth than employment. Labour market policy and demographic influences play a major role here.

Growth increases productivity and creates a head start in system competition

Economic growth is an important motor for technical progress. It is often argued that economic growth leads to higher productivity due to increasing returns to scale.

Specializing in the production of export goods, for example, can increase both productivity and skill levels in the export sector. This can result in resources flowing from less efficient sectors to the export sector. As a result, prices fall, goods become more competitive and exports increase. Thus, productivity increases can also lead to economic growth.

Growth in the economy and business insurance is perceived as progress

For some, economic growth is synonymous with progress. The reason is that gross domestic product is used as an indicator of progress. Success in the economy means that businesses can contact business insurance brokers perth regarding their company’s insurance easily.

Buying goods using a credit card

Dealing With Credit Card Companies Reducing Credit Limit During COVID-19

Due to the corona crisis, there have been many challenges in the lives of common people. One of the biggest crises in this is related to cash.

Buying goods using a credit card


Data on withdrawals from provident fund pf funds shows that people are struggling with a lack of money. However, all efforts have been made by the reserve bank to overcome this crisis., For example, the process of taking loans has been simplified by cutting interest rates. Similarly, people who pay the monthly installment of the loan have been given the option of 3 months moratorium. Amidst all this, banks have started reducing the credit card limit of customers, although some banks launched promos that compensate for this like the HDFC Smartbuy offer. Some of the country’s private banks have reduced the credit card limit of customers of different categories by up to 80 percent.

What do the experts say?

Adil Shetty, CEO of, said this is not the first time this is happening. Credit card limits have been reduced before. But due to the increase in the covid-19 crisis, this time the banks are looking more alert. He said that banks keep increasing or decreasing the credit card limit based on the earnings, cibil score, and payment history of the customers. But in the current situation, the reduction of the limit has shocked the customers.

What’s the reason?

According to the report, for customers who are taking advantage of a three-month moratorium from payment on loans, the credit card limit for customers is being reduced. Banks believe that such customers will be short of money. In this situation, the customer will use the credit card to meet the financial needs and the payment will be delayed. Similarly, the limit for customers using fewer credit cards is also being cut.


ALSO READ: Learning From A Financial Crisis 10 Years Ago


What should you do?

According to expert Adil Shetty, if you have to maintain the limit of the credit card, then pay on time along with spending the card money. If you have been paying on time for a few months with more than 50 percent of the amount spent, then there will never be a crisis on your credit limit. This will also keep your cibil score correct.

Adil Shetty said that the cibil score should be checked from time to time. If you feel a mistake, check the reasons. Adil Shetty advises you to try to pay the credit card dues as much as possible. By doing this, the bank may increase the limit of your credit card.

A credit card is also exempted.

Let us know that at the behest of the central reserve bank, banks have been given a 3-month moratorium on credit card payments in addition to loans. This means that if you do not pay for a credit card for 3 months, there will be no pressure from the banks and there will be no impact on the cibil score.

Advantages or disadvantages of not making payments

Credit cardholders should still make the payment on time, this will save them a lot. Because if the customer does not pay the card for three months, then in the fourth month, the amount of the last three months, as well as the interest, will have to be paid. The bank charges an interest rate on credit cards arbitrarily, which can be up to 40 percent. In such a situation the customer will be caught in the trap of interest. The good and better option is to deposit the credit card bill only on time.


Credit Union : Accessing Low Cost Funds in Times of Crisis

Economies on all global fronts are experiencing record high inflation rates as the post pandemic period took a turn for the worse when Russia invaded Ukraine. As employers struggle to keep their business afloat, employees on the other hand, rely on their credit union to help them face financial challenges. Even better still is that not a few of these credit organizations are now using online banking apps.

Actually, a credit union is not the same as a trade union or labor union, but basically works more like a bank. It’s a non-profit fund raising organization that aims to pool money by way of deposit contributions coming from union members. As such, a credit union serves only the needs of members, especially as a source of low cost loanable funds.

Any income derived from loans extended to members will either be distributed as dividends or be used in furthering the services being provided to union members. A board of directors decides on how surplus money collected from loan availments, will be allocated or spent.

An example of credit union spending deemed necessary is the development of an app that enables members to access their union bank account online. Similar to how online banking works, a credit union app permits members to quickly check their account balance, make online payments or to transfer funds to accredited payment processors and other financial institutions.

Generally, credit unions do not fail because fund management is carried out with a great deal of transparency. More so, if members use their credit union app to constantly check their account balance. Readers seeking for more information about online banking will find additional resources at Afri Bank Online. As it is, the focus of discussion in this article is about credit unions and their significance to low and middle income employees during times of economic crisis.

What Exactly Does the NCUA Guarantee?

The National Credit Union Administration or NCUA is the credit union counterpart of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC), which offers protection on bank deposits.

If unfortunately a credit union goes bankrupt, the members who still have balances in their personal account can claim and receive the amount from NVAC, provided a claimant has already settled any outstanding loan or liability with the credit union.

The NCUA guarantees deposit amounts of up to $250,000 only. This denotes that members whose credit union deposit exceeded $250k at the time of the union’s bankruptcy, can only recover up to 250K.

The US Congress created the NCUA as guarantee of protection to members. The federal government supports credit unions because they encourage wage earners to save money for future emergency, without need to withdraw their union savings or borrow money from commercial lenders.

However, since the NCUA guarantees only up tp $250.000, it would be advisable to maintain a deposit balance of $250K or below. A worker can simply join another credit union and maintain another deposit account. The NCUA insures deposit balances up to $250,000 per institution and not on a per person basis.

Politics: Rules For Economic Life

Government has rules according to which its economy works. This is the economic order. It determines which laws they must base economic activities on. This can be an economic order that is controlled from a central point. You call this central government economy. It is very different in a market economy. The principle of supply and demand applies here.

Enough for everyone

The goal of all economic systems is to ensure that all people in a country have enough to live on and as good a living as possible.

Social market economy

The economic order that applies in many democratic countries is the market economy. In some areas, the state intervenes in economic activity in order to prevent social injustice.

National Economy And Politics

All private households, small and large companies and enterprises as well as institutions of a state together form the national economy. Put simply, one can say that everyone who produces, distributes and consumes goods belongs to the national economy.

Important for the economy

Two important characteristics of an economy are the common currency and a common economic system. The government’s economic policy, the education of the population, the state of the art, the economic performance of the people, the climate and natural resources such as coal, iron ore and oil deposits play a major role in the national economy. The geographical location of a country is also important. For example, if there are large ports by the sea, you can easily transport goods around the world. All of these things work together to ultimately determine how well an economy performs.

Economy And LA Lyft Accident Lawyer

The course Law for business economists provides business economists with a compact and well-founded legal education.

Basic and additional legal skills are becoming increasingly important in the day-to-day work of business economists.

Sector economic development: Legal job market for Los Angeles Lyft accident lawyer in good shape

The legal profession is on the move. The number of areas in which legal expertise is required is growing. The demand for lawyers, whether for law firms or for companies and associations, has increased.

The need for lawyers continues to grow. However, increasing student numbers could lead to more competition in the coming years.

The industry is also exposed to upheavals caused by current developments. In law, the subject areas and focal points are changing due to international references, the development of society and digitization. For example, data protection law is becoming increasingly important for many companies. It is creating new jobs for data protection officers. Copyright is also benefiting from current political developments.

Economic career prospects: desperately needed qualified Los Angeles Lyft accident lawyers

Qualified lawyers in particular have the very best career prospects. Top law firms such as Los Angeles Lyft accident lawyer are desperately looking for suitable young people.

In principle, the market for legal advice and civil service is also open for young lawyers. Anyone who aspires to a career as a judge or in a top law firm is more likely to lose out with average final grades. Job advertisements for administrative lawyers in the higher civil service, for example, are regularly advertised with grades in the “satisfactory” range. Additional qualifications such as a longer stay abroad, a foreign master’s degree or practice-oriented experience while studying also make lawyers with average grades attractive employees, especially for businesses.

In general, it makes sense to concentrate on areas of law that are in demand during your studies. Anyone who can show expertise in tax, real estate or insurance law has less competition on the job market than, for example, the classic labor lawyer.

Lawyers are also open to professional fields that are actually more associated with economists, such as jobs in management consultancies or with auditors. Especially those who have looked beyond the legal horizon during their studies can quickly find what they are looking for in these areas.

Politics & Administrative & Rule of Law

Law and politics are in a tense relationship that needs to be shaped productively. Law is the result of political decisions. At the same time, however, the law limits and controls the scope for political action. This special relationship between Administrative Law and politics runs like a double thread through the legal policy work of the foundation.

Administrative Law and The Rule of Law

The elected members of parliament, police officers or judges cannot do what they want in our constitutional state. They have to comply with the requirements that the law gives them.Administrative Law

The Basic Law, which defines your form of government and guarantees everyone their basic rights, is particularly important.

In a constitutional state, everyone must be able to rely on the applicable laws being observed by the state and other fellow citizens. Everyone knows what rights and what obligations everyone has. This is comparable to a contract. Both sides, i.e. the state and its citizens, must observe and comply with the contract. A constitutional state is therefore a state whose laws one can rely on.

A constitutional state also recognizes human dignity and the right of citizens to self-determination. It guarantees the fundamental rights and freedom of citizens. Any restriction of human freedom requires a legal justification. Everything is allowed that is not expressly forbidden.

In summary, this means that the rule of law binds state authority to the applicable law. It protects and secures the freedom of citizens from the state.

Characteristics of a rule of law and Administrative Law

The two most important characteristics of a constitutional state are legal certainty and legal equality:

Legal certainty

All government measures need a basis. This can be expressed well with the question: “Where does it say that the state is allowed to do this?” Legislation is bound by the constitution, administration and the judiciary are bound by law and order. This serves to protect against state arbitrariness. Basic rights are guaranteed and the constitution ensures state order.

Equality under the rule of law

The rule of law also means that the same laws apply to all citizens and that they are treated equally in court.

3 Trends in the Economy that Affect Human Resources

Human Resources


Research and decades of experience have taught us that the economy impacts workforce strategies over almost anything. I’m convinced this year won’t be an exception. I’ll outline several important economic trends that every HR leader should note in this article.

1. While the GDP is Rising, Productivity Isn’t

Productivity (output per hour worked) is lagging even though employees around the world are working more hours. I feel this is often a result of several factors.

First, while robotics is now often employed in manufacturing, digital tools in most roles haven’t necessarily made work easier. For example, 27 percent of respondents to a 2018 LinkedIn survey said they spend a whole day per week coping with emails in a roundabout way relevant to their jobs. And also the average company now has seven different systems for communications. Most employees are operating in an exceedingly digital overload.

Now, 14 million workers spend an hour or more in daily commutes—another productivity killer, as we also know that commute times are inching up over past years.

Those in Human Resources must invest in work-at-home solutions, adopt flexible work schedules where possible, simplify the IT infrastructure (and HR tools) and do a far better job of employee communications.

2. Wages are Relatively Stagnant

After factoring in inflation, U.S. wages have barely budged within the last 40 years, and for those within the bottom 90 percent, wages are falling behind. One that has benefited from digital technology and a bigger one that has not: we essentially have two workforces.

There are many left behind despite software engineers and designers are now in high demand.


ALSO READ: 21 Best of All Time Politically Themed TV Series


The 62 percent of U.S. citizens who failed to attend college are seeing twice the percentage and fewer than half the wages of those who did. Even higher-paid college grads are falling behind. Deloitte research has found that two-thirds of millennials don’t believe their standard of the instrument to be as high as that of their parents; 15 percent of millennials have student debt of $15,000 or more.

“Are we paying people enough?,” HR leaders must ask themselves. In today’s economy, where the foremost valuable jobs are supported by creativity, services, and collaboration, paying people well is an investment, not an expense. This year, rethinking their entire compensation strategies is what I encourage all HR leaders with. As your company makes more cash, it’s important for you to encourage business and finance leaders to share the wealth with employees.

3. Modern Jobs Demand New Skills

Employees who are digitally savvy, who can communicate effectively verbally and in writing, and who can add teams and across functional areas are what the jobs in virtually every industry are now requiring. LinkedIn’s latest study of skills in the city, town with the most important skills gaps, found that speech was the foremost in-demand skill.

This is why firms are finally getting out of the way and putting learning into the hands of employees and the L&D market is exploding this year (spending on L&D technology is up 10 percent). Research shows that employees who spend longer learning are more productive, happy, engaged, and perform better than their peers.

Human resources must aggressively support employee career development, technical-skills.

Development and overall on-the-job learning. U.S. companies only spend about $1,200 per employee p.a. on training, yet they spend three to 5 times this amount just to rent a brand new employee. Employers can clearly afford to spend more on employee development, and that we should.

To mitigate the impact of those economic trends, human resources features a tremendous amount of responsibility, power, and agency. Businesses have a responsibility to try and do the correct thing for society, likewise as their customers and stakeholders. You, as an HR leader, have lots more power than you’ll think.


Role Of Government In The Economy

Government involvement in the economy is to aid in correcting market failures. They need to correct situations where private sectors cannot get the most out of the value they could generate for society. This includes the provision of public goods. In addition, it includes the internalization of externalities and the imposition of competition. That being said, many companies accepted a wider government involvement in a capitalist economy.

Government activities have a strong effect on the US economy in several areas.

Promoting growth and stabilization

Perhaps most essentially, the government is guiding the overall speed of economic activity. They are trying to keep steady growth, high employment levels and price stability. By managing the money supply and controlling the use of credit, it can slow down or accelerate the growth rate of the economy. In the process, it affects the level of prices and employment.

The Economical Pros and Cons of Casinos

Red Dice


Gambling could be a controversial subject in some ways; however, there’s no denying that it’s a ridiculously popular activity. As the figure is widely predicted to grow within the next few years, the worldwide gambling market was said to be worth a staggering $58.9 billion in 2019. In fact, by 2023, it’s going to preferably be worth the maximum amount of $92.9 billion.

It’s clear that gambling could be a widespread activity that isn’t effort any time soon. In 2020, the industry has experienced a large disruption, similar to all others, because of the continued COVID-19 pandemic. More and more people are signing up to online casinos to induce their gambling fix while many land-based casinos and similar venues the planet over remain shuttered. People looking to gamble have resorted to playing casino games instead while major sporting events are canceled or delayed.

For this text, we’ll disregard 2020 as something of an off-year thanks to the pandemic and concentrate on gambling’s effects on the economy pre-pandemic. Now let’s have a glance at the results, both positive and negative, that gambling has on the economy.

Positive Effects

First, we’ll have a glance at land-based casinos. While online gambling is more popular, gambling at a land-based casino remains an enormous industry in itself. The subsequent places, specifically, are ready to thrive due to their casinos and also the multiple gambling opportunities they offer:

  • Macau
  • Las Vegas
  • Monte Carlo
  • Atlantic City

The casinos are especially great for the local economy as they generate a good range of jobs – the larger the positioning, the more jobs there are. They also attract tourists. Capable of attracting countless tourists looking to spend their hard-earned money on slots (or 슬롯 in Hangul) and other games is the massive casino resorts with plenty of entertainment offerings besides gambling, as the various mega-resorts in Macau.

the casinos became a key part of the local tourism industry in some places that are well-known for his or her gambling opportunities. Many roles in other areas exist because there are numerous people coming to go to the casinos. In the urban center, for instance, there are countless people visiting per annum to gamble, and every one type of company and business has inherited existence and is ready to thrive thanks to all this tourism. People may head to Vegas to gamble, but they stay in hotels, erode restaurants, buy things from shops, watch shows, visit local tourist attractions – of these things get pleasure from having the tourist trade, and plenty of of them wouldn’t prosper the maximum amount without the casinos bringing people to town.

So what about online casinos? the most positive effect that online gambling has on the economy is to try and do with taxes. Because online casinos are lots more accessible than playing at land-based casinos, gambling at online ones has been seen as potentially more dangerous. Through one information processing system, you’ll easily access thousands of gambling sites and spend countless hours playing, all without having to depart the house.

However, certain governments have started making their laws on online gambling less strict in recent years. The most reason they’ve decided to legalize it’s, of course, money. By legalizing the act of gambling online, governments can tax it and use it as an additional source of revenue. Since it’s visiting governments it could, at least, go towards projects that benefit people, this does, of course, mean that less money goes to the casino operators. That being said, it’s worth declaring that casino operators aren’t just in it for the money. Most of them accept the responsibility they need and often donate funds to good causes, like gambling addiction charities.


ALSO READ: The Relationship Between Politics and the Economy


Negative Effects

While gambling can have quite a few positive effects on the economy, it also can have some negative ones.

The main one is gambling addiction. Casino games, both land-based and online, maybe very addictive indeed. What causes people to play them an excessive amount is that the proven fact that you have got an opportunity of winning actual money. Most gamblers are sensible enough to stay to their budget, not overdo things and not let themselves get frenzied. However, some people that gamble finds themselves spending an excessive amount of time and money playing casino games.

In a number of the more extreme cases, people find themselves entering into debt and may find themselves stepping into a spread of other problems. Some folks that are the foremost severely laid low with gambling addiction can even find themselves getting made redundant and losing their homes.

People passionate about gambling can cost society, in general, quite those that aren’t addicted to gambling. As an example, many find themselves having to depend upon some type of state benefit, and a few even require additional medication and/or psychiatrist treatment to assist them to overcome the physical and mental afflictions that they’ve faced through gambling and excessive amount.

There’s also the actual fact that casinos can become too successful. When people gamble an excessive amount online, they’re spending large amounts of cash at a gambling site, which money might be going towards other things like household expenses and leisure activities. While this will be good for the local economy, there’s a risk that it can negatively affect local businesses when a land-based casino attracts large numbers of individuals. If a casino has facilities like a bar and restaurant added to that, for instance, this creates more competition for local venues, which may find themselves missing out on business.

In other words, gambling is a few things that folks can find themselves spending an excessive amount of money on. If this happens, and there are significant numbers of individuals spending large sums on that, this will have a negative effect on the economy because gambling has an excessive amount of money spent thereon at the expense of other things.


What To Learn In Politics And Economics

Politics, the economy and society are connected. Their interdependence is so complex that you cannot infer them from your everyday experiences alone.

In the subject of politics and economics, you will get to know methods with which you can research information and present your results. You acquire and train skills for democratic action.

The lessons are accordingly competency-oriented

Expertise: You develop knowledge, learn to arrange and can better understand political, economic and social structures.

Methodological skills: You will acquire subject-specific methods and models or theories. With these instruments, you can develop knowledge independently.

Judgment skills: You grapple with problems, assess possible solutions or develop them yourself. You will also get to know various assessment criteria.

Hertsmere’s Forthcoming Real Estate Developments Making Borehamwood the Best Place to Live In

Borehamwood has been in the radar of Britons looking for a place where they could purchase a home they can call their own now that they’re mortgage-ready. Apparently, the announcement made by the Hertsmere Borough Council last September  has heightened their interest in Borehamwood. The Council revealed that they have already drafted a regulatory policy to support the 850-home community that The Wrotham Park Estate intends to build in Borehamwood.

According to the proposal that Bidwells and Woolf Bond Planning submitted to the Council in behalf of The Wrotham Park Estate, the plan is to develop a new local community that comes complete with a country park, a village centre,and most important of all, provisions for the future constructions of an on-site college that will operate in conjunction with the Elstree Screen Arts Academy

House hunters who are looking to buy their own home but on a limited budget are now all eyes and ears about the The Wrotham local community development project after learning that of the 850 housing provisions, about 350 units will be provided as low-cost homes.

Ever since home-buying trended in the UK due to the Stamp Duty Holiday promulgated by the government early this year, Borehamwood Estate Agents have had their hans full in helping buyers find their dream home in Borehamwood. Although the Stamp Duty Holiday ended last September 30, 2021, many apartment and public housing dwellers have decided to pursue plans of buying a home, preferably outside but near the Greater London Area while mortgage rates are still low.

Borehamwood became the likeliest place for many as it’s takes only 25 minutes or so to reach London by train. Moreover, earlier news about other real estate development and construction projects indicate a promising economic outlook in the borough.

Hertsmere’s Economic Outlook Makes Borehamwood the Best Place in which to Buy a Private Home

Other real estate development projects in the offing in Borehamwood includes the construction of a sizeable studio complex in the borough called Hertswood Studios . After all, Borehamwood and its twin-borough Elsetree have gained popularity as The Home of Film and Television,” for being the favorite on-site locations of film and TV show studios.

The future Hertswood Studios complex gives a promise of providing new jobs estimated to contribute at least £1billion to Hertsmereshire’s local economy. The proposed studio complex includes the construction of a hotel to accommodate arriving film stars and film crew members, as well as tourists who enjoy becoming part of the live audience during taping of TV shows.

The development schemes for both the residential and commercial sectors are likely to produce a highly sustainable economic growth in Hertsmere developments that incorporate plans to integrate energy-efficient designs, renewable power sources, and high quality landscaping.

Politics And Economics Are Extracted

In 2016, with every political incident, fiscal stimulus was gradually extended and central banks reaffirmed their willingness to provide monetary support. This will allow the markets to continue to benefit from the clearest economic recovery since the great financial crisis. The US business cycle is already well advanced, but the Trump effect could make it last even longer. Europe and Japan have lagged behind the international cycle, leaving them with significant growth potential. Anglo-Saxon investors, however, remain wary of Europe, just in case. The political risk in France is estimated to be much higher than at the beginning of 1981 when the presidential elections were unexpectedly won by François Mitterrand. As a result of these fears, European markets continue to underperform and the risk premium of French government bonds has started to rise. In addition, technical market indicators are showing the first signs of weakening. However, thanks to the real economic situation, equity markets are justifiably continuing to rise, albeit with difficulty in Europe due to the many concerns. Perhaps it is the uplifting conditions and their fascination with the political agenda that the markets are ignoring one of the clearest risks of 2017: rising inflationary pressures (see our monthly report, “2017: Be Careful What You Wish For,” January 2017 ). By the way, you can visit this site to find car accident lawyer Los Angeles.

The economy is picking up

The Donald Trump phenomenon continues to amaze everyone. However, the risk of his unpredictability is limited, especially because of his working method, which is much more efficient than it appears. By sending short, superficial messages into the world every day, his communication becomes particularly elastic and his words are interpreted less and less literally. In addition, Donald Trump’s inexperience in key policy areas forces him to surround himself with experienced experts, just like Ronald Reagan did at the time. There is no doubt about his economic vision either. Donald Trump follows a fairly primitive but cohesive mercantilist line, with the state being given a decisive role in supporting the US economy and rebalancing the trade balance. The common thread in the economic measures is therefore quite clear, both for the United States and for the country’s trading partners. Inevitably, the scale of the measures will be tempered by Congress which is very conservative and can veto key fiscal and budgetary matters. The American population is deeply divided, but at the same time most Americans are enthusiastic about the economic prospects: consumer confidence has risen sharply since November 9 last year. More importantly for business investment, the confidence of medium-sized companies has risen sharply since the election and is now at its highest level since 2004. The renewed enthusiasm was boosted by US corporate results, which showed an average growth of 5% in the last quarter of 2016, exceeding analyst expectations in two-thirds of cases. It is also noteworthy that the major political events scheduled for 2017 in Europe are not preventing the economic recovery: the eurozone PMI index once again disproved the most pessimistic expectations by rising 1.6 points in February to 56, the highest level since April 2011. Analysts continue to raise their expectations for 2017 business results and are currently forecasting average growth of 15%. Although the political uncertainty is not making the European markets take full advantage of the economic recovery, a smooth course of the upcoming political events could lead to a significant catch-up of the stock markets and the euro (especially if the elections are won with sound economic programs).

Populist Threat

We should not underestimate the European electoral risk. It is hard to imagine that the populist wind that has been blowing through politics worldwide for more than a year would magically stop at the borders of the eurozone. The highly unequal distribution of the benefits of globalization in developed countries has paved the way for nationalist sentiments, which are exacerbated by migratory flows. If national identity and protectionist reflexes become the main electoral themes, the assessment of the economic impact of election manifestos will fade into the background, opening the door to demagogic proposals that will affect everyone’s prosperity.

Role of Political Economy

Political economy has become progressively prominent in both political science and economics over the past 50 years.

Knowing the roles of political economy

It makes use of the tools of economics in order to study politics.
It evaluates how the economy can have an impact on politics. Macroeconomic trends can ruin or boost the chances of an incumbent.
It examines how political forces have an influence on the economy. Interest groups and voters have a powerful influence on almost every possible economic standard. Political economists struggle to classify how political organizations affect their influence on policy.

Pandora Papers Call Attention to Secret Trust Accounts in US-Based Tax Havens

The investigative journalism report called “Pandora Papers,” called attention to the role played by tax havens in the tax evasive-nature of offshore investments. However, the many discussions clamoring for further investigations about the tax evasions via offshore investments, should not overlook the fact that tax evasion by way of secret trust accounts and shell companies is also rampant in the U.S.

After all, not a few states in the U.S. have been offering lower, to no tax at all, as a way of attracting wealthy families, and big corporations, including financial institutions to do place their assets and do their business in their respective state.
Similar to the low or no tax incentives offered by offshore tax havens, several states in the U.S. are also allowing investors to shield their wealth from public scrutiny by using shell companies in hiding their identities.

While Biden’s Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen was able to convince members of the G20 group to push for a minimum global corporate tax of 15% to end the international tax competition, the actual implementation still depends on legislative action that will be taken by each country.

If so, will the US-based tax havens be compelled to impose at least 15% tax on all revenues earned in their jurisdiction? Will they be barred from allowing the licensing of shell companies being used as tools for financial secrecy?

What Did the Pandora Papers Reveal about the US-Based Tax Havens

The “Pandora Papers” also revealed the number of secret accounts held in trust in the states of South Dakota, Delaware and Florida.

While South Dakota seems to be a small rural jurisdiction that rarely makes headlines for financial news, the Pandora Papers released by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) had a lot of financial secrets to reveal about South Dakota’s role as enabler of tax evaders.

South Dakota is in fact harboring 81 secret trust accounts, which is twice more than the 37 secret trust accounts held by Florida and the 35 held by Delaware.

According to the explosive ICIJ, a company known as South Dakota Trust Company LLC, even boasts of managing $100 billion in assets belonging to more than 300 centimillionaires and 100 billionaires. including international families based in 54 countries

Among the political figures using South Dakota’s secret account is Ecuador president Guillermo Lasso, and family members who inherited the secret trust account of former Dominican Republic vice president, Carlos Morales Troncoso.

As of 2019, more than 100 trust companies act as administrators of secret trust accounts in South Dakota, which has a combined worth of $3.8 billion.

The report revealed that Delaware, Pres. Joe Biden’s home state is requiring payment of some business tax and substantial fees, but is likewise allowing secrecy of financial accounts. Leaked documents linked to corporate organizations show how international earnings are transferred to a single Delaware account registered under the anime of a shell corporation.

These are only examples that show how not all questionable financial deals are linked to offshore investments; or why not all offshore investments placed in tax havens are of dubious nature.

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Capital Aplus Asset Markets for Economy

Stock exchange and currency markets are important for the economy. Companies raise capital there and investors let theirs work for them. For instance, Germans trade more than three trillion euros annually on the German stock markets alone.Aplus asset

At the same time, capital markets are reflections of the economic and political situation of a country. But knowledge of the functions of the markets is becoming more and more important. On the one hand, citizens increasingly have to pay for their own old-age provision. On the other hand, market developments are also playing an increasingly important role in political terms.

What is the importance of Aplus asset stocks to the economy?

The importance of shares results on the one hand from the financing needs of companies and on the other hand from the fact that investors are interested in investing their savings profitably. So shares serve as financing as well as an investment and speculative object. In their financing function, stocks serve to raise equity for companies. Since shares usually have a higher issue price than their nominal value when they are issued, the equity capital increases with a share issue. Companies can finance themselves either through equity or outside capital.

Economic factors: Source of income for Aplus asset stocks

As an investment object, stocks offer two possible sources of income: dividends and price gains. In the long term, they generated a higher return than bonds. It is important, however, that there are not always causal relationships between corporate success and the price development of a share, especially in the short term. Rather, it is not just economic but also psychological factors that can motivate investors to buy and sell stocks.

Predictions about future prices are therefore only possible to a limited extent. In addition, stocks can be subject to strong fluctuations and are therefore more suitable as an object of speculation in the short term.

21 Best of All Time Politically Themed TV Series

Watching Netflix


TV displays happen to be carrying on politics for years. Long before “The Crown” and “House of Cards” hit on the little screen, audiences got inside appears at presidential targets, White House senior staffers, along with the area of counterterrorism with displays such as “Yes, Minister” and “Tanner’88.” Have a look back at the very crucial political TV shows of all time that you enjoyed watching on your rent to own TV’s screen.

Yes, Minister (1980-82)

We begin our listing on the opposing side of this pond. This Traditional British series starred Paul Eddington because the ministry of this (literary ) Department of Administrative Affairs, together with Nigel Harthorne along with Derek Fowlds because both the two secretaries. The series inspired countless spinoffs and has been a favorite of Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher.

Tanner’88 (1988)

This ancient political mockumentary miniseries out of Garry Trudeau (“Doonesbury”) supplied a behind-the-scenes look in the literary campaign of former Michigan agent Jack Tanner because he sought to procure that the Democratic Party’s nomination for president. The show starred Michael Murphy in the title role, together with Cynthia Nixon because his daughter, Pamela Reed as his campaign director and Wendy Crewson because his own girlfriend. The series nabbed cameos from many real-life political characters of the age, such as Kitty Dukakis, Bob Dole, and Bruce Babbitt.

Murphy Brown (1988-98, 2018)

“Murphy Brown” starred Candice Bergen as a Renowned investigative journalist for a literary CBS newsmagazine. The series satirized present events, mixed fiction with fact, as well as got a denunciation from 1992 presidential candidate Dan Quayle, that criticized Bergen’s character with a child out of wedlock. The announcement become a significant effort controversy and obtained a televised response in the show’s personalities, although commentators have stated this storyline stage paved the way for prospective unmarried moms in”Ally McBeal,” “Desperate Housewives,” and “The fantastic Wife.” It is here that we must mention that the sitcom’s 2018 resurrection. The series dropped down to politics at the Trump age, however, it did not resonate with audiences including back in the afternoon. That is all we would like to say regarding the forgettable comeback.

Spin City (1996-02)

Michael J. Fox appeared as the deputy mayor of New York in this sitcom. The series also featured prospective “Friday Night Lights” and “Nashville” celebrity, Connie Britton, as a City Hall employee in her oldest large television function. After seasons watched Charlie Sheen as deputy mayor later Fox left the series for medical factors.

The West Wing (1999-2006)

This one set the bar for most political TV shows which arrived then. Aaron Sorkin’s famously idealistic series concerning the inner workings of the White House introduced Americans to “the man the man counts” as the series formerly said. Composed in Sorkin’s signature rapid-fire dialogue, the series starred Martin Sheen as President Josiah “Jed” Bartlet, together with Allison Janney, Rob Lowe, Richard Schiff, Dule Hill, Bradley Whitford, Janel Moloney, and the late John Spencer as senior White House staffers. Regarded among the most significant and most powerful television shows of all time, “The West Wing” got two Peabody Awards, three Golden Globe awards, and 26 Primetime Emmy Awards.

24 (2001-10)

Kiefer Sutherland surfaced as counter-terrorist agent Jack Bauer inside this series from Joel Surnow and Robert Cochran — that, in its summit, was recovered by everybody from Bill Clinton to Antonin Scalia. The series attracted heat from human rights advocates because of its portrayals of torture and Muslims, however TV critics heaped praise on its own behaving and one of a kind manner of narration (every 24-episode year covered 24 hours at Bauer’s lifetime ). The first “24” spawned several Fox spinoffs. From the end of its conduct in 2014, the “24” franchise exceeded “Mission: Impossible” and “The Avengers” to develop into the longest-running counterterrorism-themed TV series of all time.

The Cable (2002-08)

Widely considered as one of the best TV shows of all time, “The Cable” given a glimpse into different Baltimore associations and their connection with law enforcement. During its five phases, the series appeared in the illegal drug transaction, the seaport program, both the town authorities and bureaucracy, schools and education, as well as also the print news media. While the show received bad Nielsen ratings, it had been popularly known because of the realistic portrayal of politics, society, and urban lifestyle. President Barack Obama said, “The Wire” is his most favorite TV show, and “The Walking Dead” founder Robert Kirkman is also a significant lover — so much so he has hunted numerous”Cable” alums because of his show, such as Seth Gilliam, Chad Coleman, and Lawrence Gilliard Jr.

Parks and Recreation (2009-15)

This governmental mockumentary in Greg Daniels and Michael Schur attracted viewers to the little city of Pawnee, Indiana, in which Amy Poehler surfaced as the eternally positive Leslie Knopes, deputy manager of the Pawnee Parks and Recreation Department. Chris Pratt — currently among Hollywood’s most important celebrities — got his first start from the series, as did Aziz Ansari, that proceeded to make and star in the acclaimed Netflix series “Master of None.”

The Good Wife (2009-16)/The Good Fight (2017-present)

Julianne Margulies starred in this famous political and legal play, that critics have called “TV’s final great play” The series followed a stay-at-home mother who returned into the workforce as a litigator following her husband had been captured in a corruption and sex scandal. The series got five Emmy awards, even many foreign remakes, and acclaim for its portrayal of the connection between law and technology, causing some critics to call it”the tech-savvy series on TV.” “The fantastic Wife” birthed “The Good Fight,” which stars Christine Baranski and now is present on CBS All Access.


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Borgen (2010-13)

This brand new political play became a global hit because of its depiction of their very first female Prime Minister of Denmark, performed with Sidse Babett Knudsen. Directed by the New York Times because of “bleaker, Nordic variant of the West Wing,'” the series was famous because of its creativity, powerful female figures, along with the depiction of politics.

Homeland (2011-present)

This spy thriller series from Showtime stars Claire Danes as a bipolar CIA representative. The initial two seasons earned worldwide praise, together with some 2011 Golden Globe and a 2012 Emmy for Best Actor, also President Barack Obama is an established fan of this series. Much like “24” earlier, “Homeland” has confronted a fair amount of controversy within its depictions of torture and U.S.-Middle East connections (Lebanon had been reported to have threatened to sue the series in 2011).

Scandal (2011-18)

For 124 events and seven seasons, that series from Shondaland attracted viewers to the area of emergency administration in Washington D.C. The series surfaced Kerry Washington as Olivia Pope — that became the very first African lead to a community play in almost four years when she had been cast from the series. The series is known for ushering in a new age of interactive TV, as a result of its cast’s custom of live-tweeting the series because it aired.

Veep (2012-19)

HBO’s excellent political satire — constituting the internal workings of the job of the president and after the president has seized six Emmy awards for top female Julia Louis-Dreyfus. “Veep” wrapped up before this season, and we are still only hoping to be OK with this.

House of Cards (2013-18)

Half a decade earlier Netflix dethroned HBO since the very nominated platform to its 2018 Emmys, the streaming service entered the scene and also became a household name as this hugely popular series surfaced. The series has made 33 Emmy nominations because of its portrayal of both Congressman Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey) and his wife Claire Underwood (Robin Wright). Back in 2018, “House of Cards” confronted a possible death blow-off when Spacey has been accused of sexual misconduct. He had been fired by the series, and Wright took on the top place on the call sheet — and the nation — to get one last run.

The Americans (2013-18)

This critically acclaimed FX series starred Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys as KGB spies posing as a married couple in 1980s America. The series recently ended up after six months — and also in the duration of its conduct, Russell and Rhys turned into a real-life bunch and also tied the knot off-screen. Even though the series was mostly ignored by the Television Academy for the majority of its conduct, “The Americans” won Emmys for writing and Rhys within its final gasp.

Madam Secretary (2014-2019)

This political play from CBS celebrities Téa Leoni as a former CIA operative and political science scientist turned Secretary of State. It’s got critical acclaim — and also a few pointed questions regarding whether Leoni’s Elizabeth McCord is a stand-in to get Hillary Clinton.

The Crown (2016-present)

Could it be in the British royal household? Yes, of course. However, Peter Morgan’s Netflix show is really a dramatized retelling of historic minutes in Queen Elizabeth II’s years-long reign that influenced the whole world. That, and each the succulent occasions, betrayals, and scandals provide “The Crown” what it must go toe-to-toe using U.S. political TV collection.

The Handmaid’s Tale (2017-present)

According to Margaret Atwood’s bestselling book, this dystopian play received instant acclaim when it aired this past year, also became the very first show by a streaming agency to nab an Emmy for Outstanding Drama. The show portrays a futuristic America in which a totalitarian society issues rich women, known as “Handmaids,” into child-bearing servitude. Some critics have drawn parallels between the series and Donald Trump’s America.

The Politician (2019-present)

Ryan Murphy’s initial Netflix series celebrities Ben Platt as a young guy whose lifelong dream would be to become POTUS. Although the first two installations revolve around a few low-stakes attempts — Season 1 a race to turn into student-body president Season two a struggle to get a seat on the New York state senate — that the most “American Horror Story” mastermind employs the satire to produce severe comment about American politicians and their skewed priorities.

The Comey Principle (2020)

According to former FBI director James Comey’s memoir, “A Greater Loyalty,” Showtime’s two-part miniseries recognized the disorderly 2016 election — providing Hillary Clinton fans PTSD from the procedure — and the more mad beginning to the Trump presidency. Jeff Daniels surfaced as Comey, who had been fired by Trump weeks in his presidency, while Irish actor Brendan Gleeson donned the orange wig and makeup to depict that the 45th president. It’s noteworthy mainly because it depicts a sitting president really badly (and perhaps illegally) less than two months prior to his reelection bid.


How Does Immigration Impact the Economy?

North America has more immigrants than any other countries around the globe. Immigrants is defined as anyone living in a country other than where they were born. Nearly 60 million immigrants live in the United States alone. Some of which came from places like Mexico over into the United States. It’s at the forefront of national debates and is driving political discourse. But what do we know about immigration’s effect on the actual economy?
The United States is often referred to as a “Nation of Immigrants.” With around 60 million immigrants, that’s about equal to the entire populations of Australia, Ecuador and Switzerland combined. Saudi Arabia, Germany and Russia follow the US; with about 12 million immigrants each. The US-Mexico border has become a focal point in the migration debate. Immigrants continue to make up a larger portion of US Society. This has increased since the 1970’s when foreign born residents made up less than 5% of the population.

What have economists known about the impact of migration? One report found that an extra one percent increase in a country’s migrant population adds on an extra 2% GDP per capita in the long term. This boost happens in two ways:
• It impacts productivity per worker because migrant skills often complement the existing population’s.
• It increases the percentage of working-age people in a country because migrants tend to fall within this age bracket. That helps pay for things like Social Security.
The IMF recently advised advanced economies like Japan, The U.S and U.K to open up their borders to avoid being overwhelmed by their aging populations.
